Do y'all think we will get "submarine battles"?

I mean, it isn’t very fun in Naval EC to be tootling on down and then a 1967 Guided Missile Destroyer domes you from 15km away and there’s nothing you can do

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I think Gaijin uses generic texture map tiles for undersea terrain just like they do on land. They just reoccur with some stuff like rocks placed by the map generating program.
Once you get below the midwater line where there is little light, the bottom is all mud and rocks anyway.
While its “fun” to see the sub from 3rd person while submerged. Its not very realistic, since sub crews are trapped inside the sub… oh wait. NM.
WT isn’t a sim. As you were.

That’s what I mean.No thanks


Literally destroyed my desire to go on EC singlehandedly.

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It just reminds me of the Final Countdown movie where the USS Nimitz went back in time from 1980 to fight the Japanese in 1944 .F14s vs Zeros.

Why in a game of such detail do we have this bizarre era business going on?

"Ooooh but it’s balanced " says a 14 year old kid.

It’s about as balanced as my diet.

I hope we can play with submarines, especially with Germans, Italians and Japanese