Devs caught red-handed

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the shiliage has +600(ish)mm pen
EDIT: you didn’t even get overpressured you had your crew knocked out by the shiliage hit because it hit your mantlet not your barrel.

Don’t slander devs, my guess is 20 minutes to 3 hours before this post gets locked.

They do actually

431mm* ))

bro just go to protection analysis before you say something

still enough to pen you, and yes I got the shiliage mixed up with the tow still though (for reference the is-7 mantlet is only 350mm thick

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not enough to overpressure. the crew WAS OVERPRESSURED right after the shillelagh hit the barrel. and it did hit the barrel, look at it. OMG Why am i answering this…

it shows that it detonated on the barrel then fragged through the gun killing all your turret crew and you get crew knocked out if you have less than 2 crew left

i got 5

Your crew wasn’t over-pressured as your driver is still alive.

and the hit knocked out 4 at least

omg are all blind??? or you just trollin

have you never heard of spalling? (btw the shiliage is a 152mm round) and if it showed as an over pressure the round loaded in you gun probably detonated. (and a single m109 hit to the turret of most tanks can kill instantly and that only 3mm larger)

Lmao dude bought the most expensive vehicle thinking it will be indestructible

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it actually is)

LMAO dude I can kill/ disable an IS-7 with 1 hit from an M60 from that angle your nowhere near indestructible( according to the internet the sides are only 150 mm thick so the shiliage could overpressure that easily cause overpressure doesn’t affect just one spot where it hits, its a pressure wave.)
Screenshot 2024-08-20 1.32.34 PM
read below the highlighted info.

As you can NOW CLEARLY see the crew was overpressured :D so stop trolling

that red circle is the overpressure wave. that doesn’t mean that the is-7 is nerfed

so was the crew overpressured? lets make it clear. And again, protection analysis, protection analysiiiis