[Development] ZSU-23-4M2: Afghan Escort Vehicle

This bs again? Did you not read my comment at all? There were several OTHER things I’ve already listed that I disagreed with you about. The only other gaps mentioned are for other tech trees. It’s not that I disagree or agree with you on that. It’s just that I don’t care. If you misunderstood that’s your problem

The only disagreements you made are on T77 and T52.
That and your posts’ wrong assessment of malice when USA has the most amount of OP vehicles in the game, and Germany has the most OP vehicle in the game. Not bias toward those countries mind you, just poor choices from lack of information.
Gaijin are man like us, and they have to go through legal hurdles for information on vehicles once they find a candidate. It takes time. It took Gaijin YEARS to finish Type 10’s development… a production tank.

We’re all here talking and discussing.
I’m not your enemy, and I know you’re not mine.

Enemy? Wtf? Why even escalate to this level 😂? We’re not even talking about op vehicles like MBT and the like. Stop throwing around red herrings when you obviously know I’m focused solely on the SPAA gap for the US and gaijin wasting time on unnecessary SPAAs for russia when the US 4-7.7 bracket has a much greater need. I also disagreed with you claiming that the M163 was good and that it’d be difficult to obtain primary sources for Cold War era and post WW2 SPAAs

For Cold War and post WW2 vehicles? Are you serious? If they can get primary sources on vehicles all the way to the 1990s why would this be a struggle?

This vehicle intrigued me so much that I did some digging, and jokes on me, turns out it’s a fictional vehicle made in Sprocket

To whoever made that thing, good job on the photography


Yea, I took the photo from the reddit post. Pls tib USSr nuke launcher for balans tho.

Gepard can’t fire AHEAD, it fires FAPDS iirc with the A2 modification.
AHEAD is on Skyrangers on Boxer chassis.

I see @richthofen122 is accusing the act of being a War Thunder critic making you a “Gaijin Agent”. Which means you have to be the most staunch defender of Gaijin in order to NOT be a “Gaijin Agent” according to their post.

Keep protecting Gaijin from criticism by slandering all of War Thunder’s critics.

Hate to break it to you but the usa has had many other spaa systems besides stinger slingers


we need M163 (Early) prototype with HMD to fill spaa gap

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That wouldn’t fill any gaps though.
The gaps are 5.7 and 6.7 primarily.
7.7’s lineup already has M163 standard, so while another M163 for the 7.7 lineup might be interesting, it won’t help the lower lineups.

atleast add slamraam for usa since fox-3s are in game now


But is any of them on par with pantsir . Genuine question , if there are they should be implemented right away since other tts need good high tier spaas . Only 3 high tier spaas rn type 81, pantsir, Tor

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Some did not figure it out, but WT is vehicle collection game, it is more important to add something to grind for (stripping ZSU its radar is fairly easy job), then add something which would add more balance or improve game play.

The 2017 Linebacker and the MSL (SHORAD chassis) both use AIM-9X which I’m pretty sure people have been saying has a 16km range, and the normal SLAMRAAM can reach 15km. They’re not exactly Pantsir-range but they are at least better than what the US has access to now.

The SLAMRAAM-ER on the other hand has a range of 25km apparently, so that’s one at least.


Doubt Gaijin will touch IIR any time soon if ever, so guess bets on SLAMRAAM?

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While i understand it from gameplay point, you have to keep in mind that USA decided to use rockets as their main source of AA, so they simply lacked models to choose from in real life. Same applies to other nations too - yeah, it sucks gameplay wise, but what exactly are you supposed to do, if they had nothing in reality? Copypaste from other nations just to fill in BR like japanese F-16? This game isnt balanced and never will be - because in real life armies worldwide werent balanced when it came to their tech. Like US planes always having so much ground ordinance, while some othere only having few dumb bombs at same BR. It doesnt make it fun, but thats what it looked like in real world.

Just scroll inside this forum a little bit and you’ll see plenty of US SPAA options that can be added.

Sure,most of them only fill the short air defence role,but that is a problem that every nation has in the game and in order to balance it the game needs to be more advanced.

I’m not here talking about more long-range options for the US,i’m here talking about more SPAA options for USA in general


Meanwhile I’m grinding Israel trying to get the 10.3 spaa to actually hit something

M551-ZSU 23-4

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! :((((

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