Starting from Tier 3,USSR have these BRs covered by a SPAA:
Do you want to know the BRs covered by American SPAA, starting from the same tier?
USSR has 10 SPAA between those Tiers,with 1 in Tier III,2 in IV,2 (now 3) in V,2 in VI,2 in VII and the Pantsir in VIII
Meanwhile US has a literal gap in Tier IV and only have a single SPAA in Tier V,2 in tier VI,2 in Tier VII and the Adats in Tier VIII
If i want to touch the situation of other NATO countries (Italy excluded, judging by the leaks),UK Japan Sweden and Israel are all bad like US or way worse.
Gaijin,there has been countless suggestions passed to devs of USA and other NATO SPAA,and yet you decide that it’s best for us to receive the THIRD (!!!) Shilka variant,the second one in a row,bringing the USSR SPAA line between Tier 3 and Top Tier to 11 vehicles.
I don’t know,do you want the forum to be flooded with criticism by annoyed players or do you want to be productive and add a serious and well-deserved SPAA for NATO countries?
I’m not saying this shouldn’t be added or anything, but this is the 6th SPAA russia has got semi-recently (BTR-152D, Strela-10M2, ZSU-23-4M4, M53/59, Pantsir, now this), yet in the same time frame, most other tech trees have either gotten only one SPAA or they received a copied over ZSU-57-2 + ZSU-23-4 via a sub tree (Sweden, Italy). If the rumors are right russia will also get another, 7th, new SPAA this update, making this yet another update in which they get two in one update, while other nations don’t get any new SPAA in a year.
Can we please give other nation’s SPAA some love too? There is also no harm in adding two SPAA in one update for a nation that isn’t russia.
If the Winter update will not contain any SPAA for USA+a SPAA for either UK,Japan,Israel or Sweden,this game will be done for
You don’t defend something that can’t be defended,the amount of NATO SPAA that can be added would shadow the current Russian SPAA line,so there’s plenty of options that can be added
Let me remind you that it’s been years that the M42 is the last SPAA before the M163,leaving a 3.3 BR gap,and for that reason alone the M16 (a f***** Tier 2 SPAA)is brought more often.
Oh and let’s not talk about how the M163 is basically worthless compared to either the ZSU-57-2 or the ZSU-37-2 or even the Shilka, since well you need to bring the M163 from 7.7 all the way to 8.7 because there’s no SPAA there.
wow another SPAA for Russia just what the game needed to combat CAS, it’s not like the new SPAA will be on the Russian side only meaning they’re the only ones benefiting from it
Literally in the same wikipedia article it says “Gaijin Entertainment was founded in Russia in 2002 by Anton and Kirill Yudintsev”
Moving their headquarters for political or tax reasons or similar stuff doesn’t make them hungarian. They were founded by Russians in Russia.
It is perfect timing to add vehicles that require smallest amount of work which can be done with limited personell during summer, like different variants of already existing vehicles in-game.
Was this vehicle needed to fill gaps? Ofc not
Is it exciting new vehicle? Hell no
Is it nice to have alternative to ZSU-57-2? It is.
Honestly, I think this is a gap filler bc the ZSU-57-2 isn’t a proper SPAA. It’s even semi-exciting because it gives the 7.0-7.7 lineups something to clap plane cheeks more easily as it’ll be better than both the M53/59 and the Yenisei at the actual plane-cheeks-clapping job. I won’t be against SPAA additions even if Russia already has one for every single BR step. Keep them coming.
Only thing I’m annoyed about is that I want more plane cheeks clappers for other nations too. Japan, China and GB could use some love on that front. Like the Stormer with Stingers and either a 25mm or 30mm GAU for GB, which wouldn’t need alot of work and could fill a much needed niche.
And it makes me sad that they are willing to add more SPAA, but over the last 2 years most nations only got 1 or 2 (almost exclusively around the 4.7-6.7 area or ZSU-57/Shilka copypaste too) while russia will get it’s 6th and probably 7th this update.
You mean they cherry pick only what supports their side of the argument and leave out anything that could be used against their argument, yes. Which is why they cropped out this specific bit in a screenshot and didn’t include the lines right above it.