[Development] Testing out the Severe Damage mechanic

Not severe damage?

If anything I should just lose access to my RWR, that’s pretty much it.

If I cut half the wing off of a plane that solely uses slats (MiG-27), is it severely damaged? No? It still has all of its control surfaces, it still flies. If anything, it’s worse than the Kamovs losing a tail.

“[…]if the game isn’t officially registering you as dead, then why are you still getting a full death bill?” (MokaMoki)

Very true, particularly in the above instance of that F-16 being written off for a single orange elevator. It doesn’t make sense and reads more as a way of taking players’ currency through gimmicky game mechanics.

You’re right, they should not be taking the full repair. I would be willing to put up with it because usually severe damage would be considered death in the old system (whether by imminent crash or dead-but-flying) but this is true, if a plane is only 80% damaged like they’re outlining in this new system, then we should only be paying fractional repair. This definitely requires the variable repair cost system to be in a state people are happy with.

“Severely Damaged Hold J to leave your aircraft” (Master_Teaz)

This works for me!

“80% repair cost to match the 80% reward” (WalletWorrier)

This probably makes the most sense, when you enter the severe category. Full destruction/pilotsnipe meaning the whole loss of the aircraft would be close to 100% or 100% repair cost. Still, don’t like the addition of a death arbitrarily at match’s end. If it flies, it flies. If we’re not giving the enemy the entire score, then we shouldn’t be entirely dead or paying the entire repair.

Though in the old system it definitely counted you as dead in certain zombie-plane cases, it’s just that you could repair at the airfield while dead, unless it was too severe. It really changes nothing except post-kill “assist” behavior, it’s just the odd side effect reimplementation of zombie fighters, now featuring a publicized incentive to finish them off.

Apologies for the weird looking quotes. I can’t multi-quote properly on mobile so this is the closest thing.

If you didn’t kll it, it’s not really your kill, is it?

Also interesting how all these mechanics are applied to air and not to ground for some reason, destroying every single part of a tank might not even get you an assist if it takes too long.

You are the kind of guy who eats someone lunch at work because there was no name on bowl?

It’s rarely that black and white when it comes to kill stealing, people just feel entitled to everything.
I never hear people complaining about kill stealing in ground forces, pilots in fact operate almost entirely by chasing markers from targets that ground targets are engaging and dropping bombs on it.

I’m not sure if its part of the new mechanic but I had back to back mid-airs (stoopid knife-fighter C.200s) today and I might have landed minor hits before impact, but no crits, and still got assists on both of them.

This should depend on the helicopter - many (most?) multi-engine helicopters cannot continue to fly with the loss of an engine, and, at very best, must auto-rotate to a forced landing and hope they manage to do so without suffering casualties.

very great system makes kill stealing way way hard !
i like the new system !

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Anyway, my wings and tails will be broken with 2 bullets and my bullets only make minimal damage

anyway too spawn campers with this technique will reward with more SL and XP

Kill stealing is still there. They’re just shifting the language and math of it.

Severe damage is specifically NOT A KILL.

Make sure of your kill and it cannot be “stolen”

You can very much be in the process of doing that and still get it stolen. That has always been a possibly.

in AIR RB mode of the Event this is literally not useful at all,…

Most of the time the missile will blow the ennemy so hard that it is currently considered Dead instantly, or it is going to crash within seconds,… (at least for the game i Tried in)

The most interesting thing however might have been for lower rank → but as the events are only proposed in arcade,… i turned them down.

Honestly, this isn’t a terrible idea, I would actually prefer this in lower BRs. However, I feel like this mechanic isn’t that necessary in Top Tier BRs (like 10.0-12.7) due to the increase of use in missiles at this BR. Not a bad idea, good job.

So i just played a match for this mechanic in my F4S and personally i love it, i was shot down (wing was torn off) and i just barely made it back to base and repaired, unfortunately the repair time was a bit to long and the match ended before i could even take off again, other then that i love this mechanic.

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To be honest, this will do a lot in the wider game, and needs to be tested so much.

Ground will change entirely when this eventuates.

Maybe come up with an actual word for this, because this just looks silly.


So we now have assists, critical damage, and severe damage… because critical is not severe apparantly.


Smashed it.

And how do I read this? I got 6 kills, right?


But I only destroyed 4 targets?


And I get 1253 SL for a kill but I get double that, 2505, for severe damage?

This just seems convoluted and vague.


An amazing and long overdue change, it’s wonderful to see it (almost) implemented. This specific iteration seems very well thought through and I’m surprised it needs testing, though I’m certainly not against putting new mechanics through a “beta” like this as a standard thing.

My only issue is the exceptionally wordy popup, it really needs to be more concise, something like “Assist Counts As Kill”.