[Development] Flight of the Albatross: Alcione

Today we’re showing you in more detail the Italian Alcione that features 76 mm cannons, anti-aircraft guns and the Hedgehog mortar! This ship is the main reward in the Flight of the Albatross event.

Alcione: An Event Vehicle Gunboat for Italy at Rank V


  • 76 mm autocannons with slow overheat!
  • Shell with a radio fuze.
  • Hedgehog mortar.
Vehicle History

Alcione (Italian for “Kingfisher”) became the second in a series of eight small ships that were intended to patrol the coastal zone and hunt submarines. Alcione was laid down at the Navalmeccanica Shipyard in 1953, launched the following year, and put into service in 1955. Like other ships in the series, the main Alcione’s main caliber gun was the first Italian 76 mm automatic SMP-3 cannon, and to combat submarines, it was equipped with depth charges and Hedgehog mortars. In 1991, Alcione was scrapped for metal.

Meet Alcione!

This is the Italian Alcione corvette, the vehicle reward in the Flight of the Albatross event and essentially an event vehicle variant of the Albatros that’s in the Italian Coastal fleet tree! Today, we’ll be taking a look at the strengths and weaknesses of this vehicle, and also see what it’s capable of in battle.

Like the Albatros, the Alcione can be a fairly versatile choice when playing the Coastal fleet higher ranks. The secret to Alcione’s success is its pair of 76 mm autocannons that are located at the front and back of the ship. While these guns have a high rate of fire, they overheat very slowly, and their 14-round magazines reload very quickly. The ammo for this gun includes no armor-piercing shells, but instead two conventional HE and a HE-VT shell with a radio fuze that can effectively destroy both boats, crews of larger ships as well as aircraft at fairly far distances.

Download Wallpaper:

Interesting: In honor of the launch of Alcione, a commemorative medal was issued with an image of the ship, an albatross flying over the waves (in honor of the name of the class) and the motto of the ship, NIHIL ME DEFLECTIT (Latin for “nothing deflects me”).

Among the additional set of weapons is a pair of 40 mm Bofors, depth charges and a pair of Hedgehog mortars that are more of a situational weapon due to the limited firing range, but destructive with a successful salvo at close ranges. Alcione’s speed does not exceed 36 km/h, but may not be enough for fast gameplay at the frontlines of attack.

Both in battles against other small boats and against larger ships, Alcione is a handy choice if you’re experienced. This boat will be especially good at defending capture points in shallow waters or for ambushing destroyers among small islands, where its Hedgehog mortars can cause fatal damage in one full salvo!

You can now start to earn Alcione in the Flight of the Albatross event that started today! Play naval battles, earn points and get 7 stages and this cool ship will be yours.



When will be the next event?

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Theres a few days break between events.

Will it be a plane or tank?

you mean next real event with a unique vehicle or just talking about this one ?

It will be a plane in a similar way to Alcione, a variant of already represented model.


Thankfully gajin relieved us from grinding any events in the near future :)

No point in grinding for a copypaste of a tech tree vehicle that isn’t even a premium version…

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Yeah, for sure)
Although I will get Alcione since I really like Albatros and wouldn’t mind having free backup + I need to research Alano boat.

Sorry for late reply, next vehicle will be a hight tier plane, similar to tech tree one.

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Man, I really want to get this beauty, but finding the time to earn the required Mission Score per stage for this event on top of everything else is going to be a nightmare.

Gaijin, why are you overloading your player base? Please lighten up the requirements for the various WT Event and BP challenges, tasks, etc.

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If you use a Tier V or VI boat, and especially do RB instead of AB, you get a bigger bonus. I finished the first task in about 10 missions. Imo, its really not that bad. There is a huge bonus already for even doing Naval AB at x1.9. So, effectively its not 35,000 points.

The lowest multiplier you can possibly get is using a Tier I-II EVENT VEHICLE (ONLY event vehicles work below Tier III) which would be x1.52 [x1.7 if additive]. A typical lowest multiple using any vehicle at Tier III would be x1.71 [x1.8 if additive].

If you use a Tier V-VI in AB = x2.28 [x2.1 if additive]
Tier V-VI in RB = 2.64 [x2.4 if additive]

(Even if my multiplier math is not exactly correct, the point still stands; it’s not 35,000 points, the multipliers make it much faster.) [Not sure if the multipliers get multiplied to themselves, or added/subtracted.]

Highest effective mission score needed using Tier I-II in AB: 23,026 [multiplicative]; 20,588 [additive]
Lowest effective mission score needed using Tier V-VI in RB: 13,257 [multiplicative]; 14,583 [additive]

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Thank you for the info, mate, but I know. The multipliers are the only way I stand a chance at completing these event stages in time. 😅

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Dang, fwiw, I have the best luck with HE flinging, like the US Brooklyn/Helena etc. I see you have a LOT of boats 😂 have you changed to HE since that change months ago? Eg, for shooting boats like the Scharnhorst, HE works MUCH better. I also noticed a couple of Tier III US Coastal boats you have @ 2.3 BR (one was an event boat, but irrelevant as it’s T III). Would the lower BR help you get more/faster matches in?

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Thanks for the advice! I’ll give it a try! 🫡

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