Delete/hide tor m1 or add hq-17 modification

Because then China ground won’t get anything for this patch, and Gaijin doesn’t want people to realize that

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Agree to make it into a modificantion for TOR.
In fact, we need a whole new BR12.0 AA for CN tech tree( Also for others, for example GER, clearly VT1 is not as powerful as Panstir S1), not simple copies that only have slight improvements :(
We want NEW things that can bring NEW changes.


If it were a SPAA with an IR missile in addition to the hq-17, I would accept having two SAMs at the same time. However, currently, the hq-17 is just a slightly better Tor M1, so I don’t think it’s necessary for both of them to exist at the same time. Tor M1 should be removed, and folded can only be chosen as a compromise option

CCTV7 “Ordnance Science and Technology” 20220906, which mentioned that the improvement of HQ17 for HQ17 is the motorized chassis and electronic system, and the weapon system has not changed. The HQ17A and HQ17 are the same weapon system, and both missiles are common.

quite different, HQ-17A improved fire on move ability, and added 2 more data link bands. They just share same missiles.


That’s enough, I just want to prove that they use the same missiles.

So now the HQ-17 can attack four targets at once? If not, then a bug report will also be required.

I think it’s HQ-17A, added 2 more bands, not HQ-17

No, at least CN get’s a more realistic model of the T-26 on TT

Well, you are talking to a psycho who has both Type 10 (C) and Type 93 on the Japanese lineup, so maybe my hatred towards CAS is just too big to be rational, hahah.

I like having two SAMs when it’s possible because, when the C*S spam waves manage to override snd destroy my first SAM, then I can down the second for revenge. They never see it coming!

I’m in favor of 2 different vehicles.

I don’t mind the grind either, and the benefit is, it gives you an additional vehicle without you haveing to use any backup.

So from that point of view it benefits the player.

But yes, it should be foldered and the RP for the first Tor should be lowered too.

If only they added the HQ-17 on the wheeled platform and not the cookie cutter TOR chassis x-x


There are 3 variants of ZSU-23-4 with varying technology for search and track. Are you only now having an aneurism over the Tor?

2S6M1’s mod serves to upgrade the missile and optics.

This servers to completely overhaul the radar suite