Dear developers, isn't it time to bring multipass back to reality?

It is possible that my use of translation software may have misinterpreted your intent.
If so, I apologize.
I think I may have somewhat understood what you were trying to say.

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Multipathing is fine and should remain how it is currently, adding multipath resistance to late SARH and all ARH would make the game devolve into a literal SPAMRAAM fest along with the other ARH missiles, imagine trying to stock grind a toptier and being instakilled by a 50g MICA-EM thats completely immine to multipathing while you’re stuck with 9Ls that go for someone waving a bright torch 10km away the game wouldn’t be fun it’d literally just be whoever launches first wins and force people to GE modifications if they dont want to spend 100 games trying to get a useable missile.

Whether or not people find the game more fun after the multi-pass changes may be up to the individual.

However, SPAMRAAM is not a threat
Because an ARH missile fired at the wrong distance and timing can be easily evaded, or has already been evaded by the opponent.

SARH and ARH missiles that can hit low altitude are not a panacea.
To use them effectively, a variety of tactics are required.

If fired at a distance, they can be easily evaded, and if fired too close, they will be shot down first, so there is a tactical game to be played.
The number of missiles is also finite, so you need to think about when to deliver the fatal blow.
Using terrain shielding to hide your actions from the enemy or to avoid their missiles is also a great tactic.
BVR in its original form is a game of brains, with complex tactics such as these.

However, in today’s environment, no one needs to use their brains, because it is easy to get in close with the enemy as long as you fly low.
It’s almost all about everyone getting into a messy tangle with the enemy and beating each other up until one of them gets annihilated.

It’s not as if personal skills are completely irrelevant, but they should be at a trivial level compared to the capabilities required for the original BVR.
At least I don’t find this state of affairs enjoyable, and this kind of combat should be the province of arcade battles.

And as for development, we believe that ARH generation aircraft should be equipped with basic SARH missiles right from the start.
Or, it would be a good idea to equip them with only two ARH missiles from the start.
This should not be a problem, given that aircraft equipped with IRCCM missiles from the start still exist today.


You want these?


what the hell do you mean shot down most missiles cannot intercept another one and range isnt an issue all of these ARH will be a guaranteed kill within 15km if multipath gets removed everyone gets a 15km death sphere around them also go post on the ESL forum side instead

Missiles have a concept called the "no escape zone " Outside this zone, missiles can be avoided by maneuvering, but inside it is impossible to avoid missiles even if you look directly behind them.

In other words, if you fire a missile at too great a distance, the missile will be easily evaded.
On the other hand, if you are too close, if your opponent fires a missile at the proper distance, by the time your missile enters the terminal guidance, he will have finished his evasive maneuver and you will be shot down unilaterally.

Furthermore, my friend and I have done various tests on the DEV server, and currently missiles fired at 15 km can be avoided with no problem, and most missiles have “no escape zone” is 10 km or less.
In addition, WT’s ARH missile seeker has low notch resistance and can avoid missiles fired from about 7km without using low altitude if handled properly.
This is the so-called "3-9 maneuver”.

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Literally nobofy calls notching this

no they cant especially not in the F-4F or F-15C their turnrate is too poor to notch anything at high speed and besides notching barely works half the time it will only work during the guidance phase not during the terminal phase just like how it does with AIM-54 on the live server

If you can’t turn in time for an ARH fired from 15km, it’s because you’re approaching them at excessive speed despite the fact that they’re right in front of you.
In addition, notching is perfectly possible even at close range, and if you are close enough to the side, you can avoid a MICA fired at 2-3 km.
If you can’t avoid it, it’s because of the accuracy of notching operation.

Okay you’re delusional great to know, yeah notching doesn’t work at extremely close ranges everyone knows this

This is a video of me attempting to notch from about 7km due to delayed response to a MICA fired from 11km away
The MICA comes as close as 2km, but I was able to avoid it by notching without any problem.
If this is my fantasy, then I have a wonderful technology to visualize the fantasy in my head!

You didnt notch the radar though the guy fired it in TWS like an idiot and the MICA-EM radar never turned on it just flew past you and went for chaff because TWS didnt give a strong enough lock if the guy actually locked onto you in a regular PD mode and the MICA radar activated you’d of been dead easily

Since you don’t know, let me tell you, the letters TRK indicate that the MICA radar is working.
Also, MICA’s radar is activated when it is 16 km or less to the target, so the radar is operational at the moment of firing.
You should try using the sensor view once!

YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE IN THE VIDEO THE MICA RADAR IS OFF it doesn’t matter if the game says its tracking on the Tacview because it doesn’t mean anything ive seen the same thing with AIM-54C in Tacview the missile will say its tracking despite clearly not and the onboard radar clearly being off and it will just fly in a straight line the only reason it attempted to guide in the first place before trying to go pitbull with a radar that wasn’t on was the TWS track which is extremely weak

As I said, your comment shows that you have not used the sensor view much.
You can see the green outline inside the ring in the image, which is drawn this way because the MICA radar is facing you and you are looking at it from inside the cone.
This is common in sensor views.

The radar is literally off lmao

So what is this green outline of the same color as the radar cone centered on MICA?

the radar on mica is switched on though

The onboard radar on that missile activates at ~15 km currently

In that video, @Zekex quite clearly notched it

See the circle ? That’s what a radar beam looking directly at your aircraft looks like in tac view
@Zekex is also right about the TRK. This means the missile is indeed tracking.