As of now there’s only 2 hard points for AASM. In general, i’ver never seen the trimount on any other mount that the 2nd wing harpoon (from the center). Do you have sources for the extra pylons ?
Am I correct in understanding that countermeasures will remain 32+120?
I saw that it should be increased to 72 from 32
i see it necessary to add them because we´ll have jets with unrealistic loadouts if they are not added and i find this very annoying at some point, also you say “it wouldnt bring anything fun to the game” wrong speak for your self because a lot of people wants them if you dont like it you can return to early jets grandpa also thats why am giving the option to gimp them all making it functional and dangerous at close ranges duh.
32 + 128 actually I believe (its a bit more than 120).
It is possible that we get 72 normal flares instead of 32 large flares. Since the current layout is correct (and the 3D model of the rafale uses this layout) the 72 flares is a suggestion that devs could implement
I heard that 72 will become if you use countermeasures of smaller caliber, which in the context of the game is worse
Right now he has 32 high caliber, I would not change them to 72 standard
Not small caliber, just plain old regular caliber
Then it will be good
soo… in simple terms you want 21th century jets fighting like Korean War jets Noted in my book! another grandpa got stuck in the past good to know.
Then I’m waiting for this change. 72 countermeasures like the J-10 are more than enough for me personally
Since you seem to know a lot about it, do you know the frontal firing range of the Mica IR ?
I just feel like you’re proposing missiles without knowing their true capabilities. Also, do you really think these missiles could be added without the community complaining?
So the A-10 goes to 13.0 in this case?
A lot of planes will just end up at Brs that are way too high for them, which will make them unplayable.
If you followed my discussion with @MademoiselleSXXI i’m only reasonning her/his way, because she/he is going wild.
She/he thinks that weapon management system having 14 dots, means that necessarly 14 weapons might be loaded on the Rafale (which is stupid, by reference even F/A-18 or Su-27 show the fuel tanks on pylon management Screen)
So i goes by his/her reasonning for that, currently fictionnal loadout (but could be possible with adaptation of the Pod to those Wet/heavy pylon).
My earlier reasonning about 14 hardpoints is the one that should be taken into account, realistically:
No? I’m not saying Weapons Management System having 14 dots = 14 weapons at all. Stop putting words in my mouth if they’re so incorrect
It simply shows that the pylon underneath the wingtip has existed for a long, long time, supporting the claim that it is compatible with weapons before F4; and the only one used there is the MICA
24km in head-on mate but just using the datalink capabilities! thing that if they want they could not add it!, also you would see the smoke trail of the missile when its being fired, actually a lot of people in game are yet used to preflare a lot soo… you know a gimped MICA-IR with Magic-2 IRCCM its much likely going to be flared easily past 2-3km for example.
I say we ask for Magic II Mk.2, slap that with the real Magic II capabilities on the Rafale, M2K-5F and M4K while keeping the current nerfed Magic on the F1, Jaguar IS and M2K-S5
Show me picture of your bull@,…
Because you were saying :
So now i need you to post those 14 dots.
And why not just a Magic 2 with its realistic performance?
Regarding the 24km it is particularly debatable, some sources rather announce a capacity to fire it to its maximum range
thats another option the Magic-2 MK.II have a better rocket engine if am not wrong, that means more effective range.