Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

you mean significantly better? its in real units not some fake ones

Might have Mk.84’s and GBU-24, but i’m not sure.

Anyway “Chonk Bomb”//AASM-1000 is only available on F.4.1, and Gaijin is adding F.3R (currently)

Yeah, but y’all were saying no selling point for the 4.1. The chonk aasm is a selling point. Just mainly to me

We’ll turn around the world ^^"

it 0500, am sleepy

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I might want gajin decompression max battle rating to 14.3 before MICA IR to replace magic 2 (placeholder) some time in 2025

But Mirage 2000-5F increase to 14.0 before gajin add MICA IR

Is what i’ve said to WreckingAres283.

Will not be the biggest problem,… Mirage 2000D RMV will as it also should recieve MICA-IR for self defence.

However, Gaijin have been compressing top tier since they had decompressed older 11.0-12.7 aircraft range (even if they naturally return into the BR compression, by lowering most MiG-21’s, Again)

Hey peeps, just a question, does the Rafale currently have the reduced RCS it’s supposed to have ? Or will it have the reduced RCS at all ?

Because I am currently playing the Rafale in the devserver and I don’t see anyone having a problem locking on me from any distance

Devserv aren’t final ^^"
(But french devserv is most of time how the aircraft got released,… sooo we don’t know yet)

Rafale M F1 Late battle rating same Mirage 2000-5EI ? 🤔

Rafale M F3 (late) after Rafale M F1 Late, my guess

Rafale B C.2 (Late) ?

gotcha, thanks. I am also still hoping for a better FM and to at least get IR missiles, because flying low enough currently counters the MICA EMs. I won dogfights against Eurofighters in my Mirage 2K5F while I am unable to do anything with the Rafale, unless Eurofighter decides to fly higher than tree level.

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Normal M F.1 could be set 0.3/0.7 higher than Mirage 2000’s, with corrected FM

Rafale M F1 after M4000

Rafale C F.2.2(retains AASM, key feature) after Mirage 2000-5F

Rafale C F.3R and M F.3R could be added in the game in like a year from now, when at least MICA-IR would be a thing.

More likely a Rafale B F.3.2 to follow the Mirage 2000D RMV

indian rafale to Britain, I won’t use it ever but I want it just because it annoys france



As an Englishman im genetically coded to try any infuriate the frogs




You’re in dangerous territory, careful.