First impressions on the Rafale cockpit in sim (for me who doesnt use the in-game radar/RWR overlays unless strictly necessary due to a major bug or the likes);
The Rafale cockpit feels like a downgrade to the M2K5F’s.
First off, Rafales radar MFD is a mixed bag for me. Having the working radar profile is wonderful, and really does a great job at illustrating just how massive the vertical search zone for the RBE2-AA is. The PPI display on the other hand, I’m on the fence about. I can work with it, but it really compresses close targets, and I just generally prefer B-scopes for radar. the PPI indicator is great on an RWR display like on the EFT, as it allows you to point your radar in azimuth towards a threat, but B-scope is just more comfortable for actual acquisition imo. Having other colors than just green is great though, and helps a lot with covering for the general cockpit layout issue.
RWR display doesn’t really need any detailing, nothing of real note there imo. Inferior to the EFT’s DASS display, but marginally superior to most other RWR’s displays in-game.
HUD seems rather similar to the M2K’s. has most of the same stuff in most of the same spots, they moved a few things around and added a couple things. Biggest upgrade imo is the fact it displays your selected weapon but there’s 2 problems with it:
Doesn’t display the remaining number of selected weapon
Is not visible without zooming in due to the pilots head position (works fine in VR, but that’s because you can dictate your pilots default head position, as well as where your head is at anytime in VR)
There is also the fact the Rafale HUD has done away with the digital clock from the M2K’s HUD. Extremely disappointed in this, the clock was great to have.
2 of 3 MFD’s are placed very far away from the pilot. This is much more obvious in VR where you have depth perception, but setting aside how jarring it is to look at, it means you have to choose between either your radar or RWR as your “visible/detailed” MFD. Personally, I find the RWR has to be set as the middle MFD simply due to the fact that if its not, you just cant properly see the actual RWR contact info while flying the plane in a heads up fashion, which is not conducive to evading missiles. This is somewhat mitigated by the radar display having colours, as you can at a glance tell what’s hostile and what isn’t (or at least I think so, I haven’t gotten to test the Rafale with friendlies around yet) even when the radar display is set to being one of the far ones, but its still tragic to have to put aside the nicest display the Rafale has simply due to need of functionality.
The canopy bow feels horrendously thick. Its not actually that thick at all, but its also quite far forward, limiting forward visibility and making it feel intrusive/thick.
Overall, not the worst cockpit out there, but unfortunately def not the best one either, pretty disappointed in it atm, but still looking forward to flying the plane. Hopefully the cockpit will grow on me a bit.
For the position of the MFDs I quite agree with you to say that they are quite barely visible on the sides. However, having had the chance to board a Rafale I can tell you that it is quite similar to what I have seen. The only difference is that IRL, the pilot is closer and higher which gives him a little more visibility towards these screens.
Otherwise for the HUD, many elements are missing at the moment
I’ve been playing around with manual radar controls right. Does anyone know how I can stop the radar from “sliding” around like this after I stop pressing the button to adjust the axis? Also, does the vertical axis just not do anything? It doesn’t seem to move at all.
I believe there is a third axis to bind, not just the two cue control ones. Constant elevation option has to be off. I’m not at my PC at the moment so I can’t look.
yeah it plays a major role in the american fleet because it’s able to defend itself and others aircraft, most of which are not able to completely protect themselves. The Rafale however is the only (modern) aircraft in the french fleet, so protecting itself is enough. It’s just about choice, americans have a large variety of aircraft so they opted for specialized SEAD while the french have a single airframe so they didn’t need to have a specialized plateform
Although DASS doesn’t care if the M or E are installed, both radars get sensor fusion - it was installed on the T1 block 3. Radar doesn’t really matter. The EW system manages it, taking in all sensors and compiling them.
The more likely option would be to have one RWR/EW interface that combines each sensor (RWR, MAW, LWR) instead of having 3 different one.
In my opinion, sensors fusion is in quotes and the Spectra has been relisted because it is an upgrade meant to better match how the system presents its output.
Its going to be interesting to see how they implement sensor fusion in-game. Im curious to see if they’ll just make it so that certain sensors can cue other sensors (like locking radar targets using RWR) or if they’ll allow weapon employment as well.
I doubt they’ll allow over the shoulder missile shots using LOAL using it for the time being though, seeing as thatd make the Rafale even more broken than it already is, being the only jet in-game with a missile capable of such acts atm, granted it wouldnt be the first time gaijin did something incredibly stupid.