Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Appreciate it

Where 50G


It’s waiting for you to report it.

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Last time 50G were evoked by devs they were like “We do not do wanting to be doing coding of dual plane maneuverability so you keep 35G and be happy”

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It ends up being that the Magic 2 is apparently ever so slightly longer range this time compared to before, but yeah the turn radius will take a hit.

I never asked for a worse turn radius Magic 2, but I appreciate the somewhat increased realism. Now they just need to model a booster + sustainer model so that they can match thrust curves as well.

Hey @quartas121 ,

I rest my case:

EFT mains be doing anything but admit how obsolete their plane is.


I mean it’s not that bad, some of the tech involved is just getting old
But it’s a pretty decent aircraft

hi guys !
It’s been a while i didn’t post on this topic.
I would like to talk about the MICA EM missile.

Did someone noticed that in test mode with the rafale, the MICA doesn’t wiggle in the air and flying straight while in AB, RB, SB, the MICA is wiggling/shake in every directions ?

Doesn’t it means the issue is not the MICA itself but all the radar bands which might interfere with the missile configuration and radar ?

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Someone is quite upset

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Hey man, at least I’m neither upset nor petty enough to flag and silence any posts which I don’t agree with lol

EFT mains would prefer to live in an echo chamber where somehow the EFT is the pinnacle of technological innovation when in reality it was produced by two of the countries most allergic to technological innovation (e.g. Germany wanting to use F404 engines and APG-65 from the beginning for a next generation fighter, or Britain selecting an obsolete infrared detector for their IRST which results in a loss of almost half its performance as soon as the weather becomes a little bit humid). That’s not even to mention how Eurofighters are still using mechanically scanned radars…


The irony is huge but i think this is where i block someone who is this deluded

You know thinking the Eurofighter is god awful and the Rafale the top dog (We will ignore the early issues with the PESA radar and how the IR sensor in the IRST was a dummy till the F4)

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Where have I said this? I think the Rafale has its own issues such as how the IRST and the IR MAWS could be improved considering French developments in infrared technology in the last decade. It would also be nice for the Rafale to be equipped with the ECO engines, but oh well…

Source? The infrared sensor was introduced on the F2, then removed on the F3 since it was deemed outdated. Funnily enough, if the French consider the initial OSF IR sensor outdated, what does that make PIRATE - a dinosaur?


What is nice tho is that F5 standard should fix most of the issues you mention above :

The image above come from a decently reliable site specifically made arround the Rafale and just to precize and correct some thing the site listed :
-There may or may not be an improvement to OSF
-The 9T engine are not really said to be 9T of thrust but to get an improvement of up to 20%(iirc) more thrust compared to current engines
-SEAD/DEAD is increased by using new sensors and the recently introduced MBDA smart glider which Rafale could hold 18 of the light variant using 3 hexa racks


It wasn’t just outdated. From sources and pieces of evidence, the early IR sensor was both too expensive (and at the time was deemed not very useful for its price) and apparently had some major issues. The IRST variant found starting in 2019 fixed both issues. It’s usefulness has further been proven as the IRST is said to be very useful at detecting low observable aircraft’s such as drones and prop planes in general

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As far as I am aware, and don’t quote me on this, but the new engine is still in very early development. Safran is/has recently been hiring tons of people to work on engines, and I am pretty confident that’s not just for civil developments

Damn from the infos that have been roaming arround lately F5 should be due by 2027(earliest)-2030(Initial prediction). So developping, testing and mass producing new engines in 2-5 years sounds really bold.

I have 2030 from my knowledge. I doubt we’ll see F5 even pre production earlier than that. We might however see a F4.2 variant with some modifications allowing for early communication with the Neuron that should come around the same time as the F5 however

@Mulatu_Astatke Correction, from what ARES gathered up the first post New IRST been introduced with F4.1