That’s like saying the R-77 gets consistent kills at that range, which it doesn’t
We just gonna ignore the performance of aim120 that means a BVR shot with a MICA is a death sentence or what? Even assuming the target doesn’t move enough for MICA to have enough energy to connect.
Also, you can’t kineticly throw the MICA in the rafale like other planes, the rip speed is quite bad, and with its already bad drag characteristics I wouldn’t be throwing them past maybe 25 km
I have been killed by MICA EM shot from Rafales at 30km I have also been killed by MICA EMS shot from 3km. The jet does everything and it’s getting buffed daily.
R-77 is a far better missile than an R-Darter and the jets that carry them can take 8-10 of them?
idk if you saw my previous message replying to you on this topic, the demonstrators front sensors are still green
Amraam is the best missile no doubt
Shame I don’t like the livery, would have rathered the black rafale, but at least still got green on something \o/
You could say the same about so many custom loadout you can make in game being “not combat proven” completly irrelevant argument
i do think its a little silly all the EFT’s got 2 camo’s while the Ralph got a single yet there are so many unique demo camo’s for it
could we refer to Wareta and just stop arguing on the topic of whatever you guys are arguing on. please and thank you!
Spectra has no DIRCM
You have to be failing on so many levels to get killed by a MICA at those ranges
Even if you agree with the less popular side of the argument, not going to get anywhere. Instead, we should complain about the lack of options with the countermeasures.
Even 77 is more consistent than MICA at >15km range (Not saying MICA won’t connect at this range), in my experience.
No? I never said people shouldn’t want 8 MICAs, just that it never existed and thus not a depiction of any Rafale to ever exist. It’s fine if you want to play with 8 MICAs.
So now we both know each others stances, referring to the post above I will no longer continue this and I recommend you do the same. Have a good one.
i have no clue what the arguement is, i dont care enough to pay attention either. i just want the Rafale to be cool and competitive
Your actual proof that 8 mica missile on the rafale F3 isn’t possible? cause all I heard so far was personal opinions
Jet launching it is high and fast, the Gripen is dramatically slower and has lower thrust than any of the other top tier aircraft. And now French player have 8 MICAs they are more liberal with them.
Feel free to enlighten me if I’m wrong, but there’s already a platform that can carry 8 far better BVR missiles. So complaining about the BVR capacity is a bit silly, when they’re amongst the worst BVR missiles.
Also I’d note you’re focusing on Gripen (which is underperforming and could have been updated with the E this update for Sweden), but the Typhoon is the nearest competitor and is distinctly more capable in BVR than Rafale. I’m personally having significantly fewer issues with BVR using Typhoon than Rafale, or any other BVR platform I’ve used. But I would also highlight, I primarily play ground attack, so my stats in almost all a2a platforms suffer.
My bad, of course not
It’s just that there are few flares in the pod because they are deployed based on SPECTRA sensor input