Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

That’s uh… That’s the joke.

No, not at all, all the planes in the game with air-to-ground radar can do it (which makes no sense). For the locks I couldn’t tell you, I don’t have the time to unlock the plane right now so I could only try it against the AIs of the test flight

Well then theres even less reasons for the 8x missiles.

We’ll likely get the F.4+ models later anyway.

In the meantime im going to enjoy flying the Rafale as it is…

Yeah but considering the ammount of uninformed people we got in 3 days i’m not as fast catching on jokes as I usually am.

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They will still insist until the end of time…

The funny thing is that about a week ago I predicted a lot of bug reports and people complaining about the number of missiles on the Rafale and I honestly wasn’t disappointed.

If only content creators were able to do 2-3 minutes of research before saying anything, we would save a lot of time.


To think, they could have bug reported the poor performance of the missile compared to reality, and we’d have been significantly better off.


I just want them to correct the lofting of the MICA so I can use it at a longer range that what it is right now -_-

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Lofting wouldn’t matter, really. It’d still overlead and burn all of its energy. They really just need to unfuck the thing all at once, as only fixing one aspect of it won’t really fix the problems because of how many compound upon each other.

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The lofting would help against multipathing, a higher angle means that they have a much lower room for error when trying to multipath it. Thats my primary reason for it on the MICA

Yeah, it’d be better than no fixes. But it would be very unlikely to fix the range in any meaningful amount. I really would love to be positive about it, but it’s just rough.

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At this point, anything we can get man… Its agility feels like its been cut so that the missile’s stability at lower speeds is better in the current iteration of the dev server

Which makes the dogfight missile essentially useless in a dogfight. Plenty of ways to fix it. They just won’t. Worst solutions seem their only solutions.

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I also hope the RWR band’s are increased to atleast K band… hopefully the tech mods are cooking something with their sources…

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Reports are in progress (still researching).

Thats good to hear

Also, I saw there was a report on the agility, maneuverabiltiy of the AASM aswell as a smokeless motor for it… Do you happen to know any progress on those?

I dont know if suggestion mods have access/responsibility for reports so Im just wondering

Oh and just got reminded. Can we please get them to revert whatever they’ve done and let us launch our IR AGMs at our target point without having to be in the targeting view? If I’ve stuck a target point somewhere, it’s because I want to smite what’s there, not try find it again.

It’s very annoying. It’s happening with AASMs, dunno about other stuff.

Besides that both reports were accepted I can’t tell anything more



Suggestion Mods like me don’t.


May be a bug in relation to how they reworked it with the tactical map… a bug report may be needed

Alright, thanks boss