Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

There is no config blk yet, I personally don’t expect it. New RBE2-AESA and MICA EM (as well as possible oither) changes will make the Rafale perform quite a bit better than it already does on Live Server now.

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Rafale’s TWS mode does now slave the camera:


Great! I can differentiate a dead target and actual target now.

Rafale can now cruise at Mach 1.10 on the deck, no more needing afterburner on the deck. Another worthy mention is that in matches where I normally hit Mach 1.6 before launching missiles, I’m now hitting Mach 1.8.


A nice fix to have. Was waiting this update to finally see the fix for Eurofighter and Rafale.

Some questions:
While it’s nice to have the 140° radar scan. It’s seems to scan the whole area vertical, which in some case/scenario is not pratical to use ( even with the new manual axis mode for radar/ auto gyro on/off)
So is there a way to scan (like the mirage 2000) in 140° horizontaly but only one “band” vertically instead of the whole area?

Did they change the scan rate(speed rate) of the radar, at least for the 140°?

Is Mica receive a buff, for it’s max range (did they remove the automatically explosion after travelling ~50km?).
Did they tweak the drag issue of the missile too (and for other missile)? Do mica have more momentum after missile engine is off?

Did Gaijin unlocked and activate for Rafale ( Mirage) and Eurofighter Grippen the new unrestricted mode AOA mechanics?

There is a poll for mica to get it’s range fixed but it got a smaller notch sector as said by DirectSupport so it will be harder to notch compared to other fox 3.

Otherwise i think for your others questions the answers is no, the radar i have no clue but it didn’t seemed to be much faster.


Magic 2 drag got slightly increased, btw:

CkX 2.48 → 2.515

It is now slightly lighter after engine burn. 66 → 65.35

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I guess overall it’s like a 1% nerf or buff like last change for magic 2 ?

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I’m… unsure about the MICA and 54 notch sector buff.
One one hand I’m looking forward to any buff of french gear (I’m a french main after all, not gonna lie), on the other I don’t think notching should be made harder, it should be rewarded.

I think this is a step in the wrong direction, any change that makes notching harder will just push even more players toward this stupid multipath gamplay. We’re slowly going back to the fox2 furball multipath meta at this point.

Gaijin should just get rid of multipath completely and reward players who actually try to understand how things works in this game not zombies.


It is a pretty small difference. I would guess it is there to bring it back in line after the recent motor burn time reduction.



As far as I can tell they dont have any evidence saying Euro or Rafale have an option to disable the AoA limiter and arent planned to get it

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Has the MAWS been fixed to stop detecting teammate flares yet?

OFS coloring has been fixed

#mod-text-channel _ JP _ ASEAN _ SK War Thunder Research Group - Discord 28.02.2025 22_13_08


No. The detection range of DDM NG for missiles should also be increased to 27km (according to the most pessimistic sources lol).


That sucks, hope they get their act together about it.

Until than I’ll keep spamming flares on takeoff for the MAWS check


For fun, here is a (very compressed) image taken by a basic assembly of the same infrared detector used in DDM NG. The mountain in the background is Mount Fuji located ~100km away and the weather conditions weren’t actually clear skies that day:

The image provided by DDM NG is expected to be better.


Don’t you know? It’s clearly impossible to see a several thousand ° missile from 7km away!

Well, Eurofighter MAWS got fixed this update. So I guess we’ll wait and see if the devs fix the Rafale’s MAWS anytime soon. I never actually play air battles (still haven’t bothered to grind the Rafale lol) so I don’t know how effective it would, but I’d imagine a 27km detection range would be rather funny.

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It got fixed as in it’s even worse now, and it still sees flares, and can barely see AA missiles at 3.5km, SAM at 8km, which is still hilariously bad.