Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

This is something that can be done with either IFF system or datalink or both.
In some sense, the IFF system is some sort of basic single-function datalink.

As for RWR detecting the IFF and datalink emissions:

1- In theory, it can be done, and there are evidence for it as well (e.g. Tornado ADV’s manual lists some soviet datalinks that can be detected and classified)

2- In practice, of course it might not always be as easy, especially with the modern LPI/LPD datalinks and that sort of stuff.

3- In the game, I think IFF interrogators/transponders and datalinks should be detected by modern RWRs that have emission classification capability, unless it’s proven that that particular datalink can reliably avoid detection by that particular RWR.

Of course this would only be for active datalinks.
They could for example add a button to disable (active) datalink, and allow you to just receive information from other aircrafts on your team (that have active datalink enabled), without emitting anything yourself. (For datalinks that do support a passive mode)

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Depends significantly on the system in question, and where you draw the line between RWR and EW / ESM.

a video containing an example;

And that the configuration and design of the antenna(s) may not permit spatially locating the emission, only that it is present.

Please… Listen to him people :)


For anyone wondering, the FM buff isn’t live yet. Also this is the kind of buff we should expect, if the Statshark calculator is to be trusted.

Looks like a rather consequent buff on paper.

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Im honestly surprised they decided to go through with the buff rn considering how well the Rafale seems to be doing. They’ve usually seemed to hold back on modelling stuff accurately if it would impact game balance negatively, so its a bit surprising to me to see this fix going through atm.


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Tbh I don’t remember a time where a proper FM report was straight up denied/ignored for either the Mirage F1, M2K, M4K or Rafale. The FM devs have been really good to France Air in that regard.

Edit : Also raw flight performances don’t impact top tier Air RB stats much. The same thing couldn’t be said about a potential MICA fix lol.


The devs have been very good to French air in general.

With the change the Rafale is easily the uncontested best jet in-game. I would’ve argued it was the best before it as well. I’m curious to see how the devs get around to balancing this, maybe we’ll see AIM-120C and R-77-1 on other nations jets before the next update, not that I think thatll do much unless the seekers on the next gen of fox-3’s become better.

Counterargument to that would be that before this change, jets still had a chance of beating the Rafale in a dogfight, now they effectively dont, seeing as it has arguably the best FM in-game combined with the best CQB missile in-game.

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Counter-counterargument is that FM performance only matters in late-game scenarios where one team didn’t get stomped, which doesn’t happen a lot. So shouldn’t affect winrate statistics by a lot.

Fair enough, guess we’ll see. I know that in sim though, this will make this thing infinitely more of a nightmare than it already is, already know quite a few ppl that refuse to play top tier sim now because of this plane, and this change isn’t gonna help things. The F1C-200 BR range is also likely to be flooded by even more premium players.

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Not so much when discussing their ordnance, i.e. magic 2.


Yup, saddly very true. That’s why I specified FM devs. I belive the Ground Tech tree isn’t really blessed either.

Sigh. Let’s not talk about that.
Although I’d say French air is generally blessed above 10.3, while 8.3-9.7 is far from meta. Aside from the 7.7 Ouragan/barougan, not a single MB/mystere airframe is up to par compared to, say a mig15 or other jets at their BR, and while the Alpha Jet is good, but not as good as the German one at the same BR in Air RB (since no flares, despite a slightly better kit overall for CAS I’d say). The etendard is ok, but the BR range is very difficult for flare less jets. The F8U (fn) is pretty abysmal imo as well, and the Mirage IIIC is playable. Starting from the IIIE things get dramatically better (although I haven’t played it in a long while).

I also don’t mention the BENELUX line since I basically have not played it at all aside from a bit of the F16A (which I don’t like, being at 13.0 against 14.0 most of the time)


I put a graph up earlier, with the change it gets very close to the eurofighter but its still slightly worse in every metric. However now it should handily beat the gripen.

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No worries, the arguments had been getting too long anyway, was good where it ended.


Rafale’s IRST should gimbal and scan 140 degrees in 3-4 seconds. // Gaijin.net // Issues

Rafale’s display should show yellow line in IRST lock. // Gaijin.net // Issues

Incorrect rear gear movement for Rafale


Not accurate, for example the Rafale can’t launch Brimstones

IRST Scan Rate needs a separate report.


Some reports needed to be completely revised. Disregard earlier report posts from today. Thanks to @Mulatu_Astatke and @vizender some reports were revised and new ones were also created.

Rafale’s IRST should have maximum horizontal of 232 degrees // Gaijin.net // Issues

Rafale’s IRST should automatically search the total limits. // Gaijin.net // Issues

Rafale’s IRST should scan 232 degrees in 3-4 seconds. // Gaijin.net // Issues

Rafale’s IRST has incorrect vertical limits // Gaijin.net // Issues

Rafale’s IRST should have scan option of 160x67 // Gaijin.net // Issues


Welle that’s for recent stuff I remember back then when a lot of player tried to fix the mystère 2a, 2c and Super mystère when they were top tier plane.

They we’rent modified since then in fact the 2C model and 2 A model should be swapped, appart from the gun section.

I’m not even sure that the 2A was truly made.