Czechoslovak ground tree

Good idea. Sadly i dont have much free time in the moment and i dont think i would be able to create such a proposals for separate vehicles often (maybe once in few months), but Id like to create them for things like L-159, L-29, Avia B-534, Avia B-135, T-55AM2, OT-62 and OT-64 among some other things atleast.


I think i would be able to do them, but i would have a problem with finding good source. There are still small things i would need to learn how to make in suggestion post, but i would be done in doing them. But yeah, major problem for me would be the sourses.

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I find page really good for that. There is lots of in-depth info about majority of the vehicles written in there with sources (mainly books). Its a very good starting point for writing most of the suggestions. I´ve heard you cant use internet pages as a source for separate vehicle proposals though (meaning only books have to be used), but im not really sure (book sources are needed for historical reports atleast)


Yeah…the sourses are always weird here with Gaijin. What am i also thinking that im planning to buy 2 books that i posted here. Maybe 3 because there is one about Czechoslovakian air…so that could be useful also


+1 czech and remove that crap from the Russian Fed tree


Hi there.
Made some preety big changes to my proposal after a long time (regular one only, not extended).
Added 13 new vehicles, removed one, foldered some and updated BRs and ranks of over 31 vehicles according to the new BR and rank changes implemented into the game some time ago (probably left out some vehicles due to the size of the tree but hey, Ive tried :D).
You can check the updated techtree here:

New vehicles


MR-2 Viktor with thermals (Researchable, Rank V, BR 6.7)

Armament: 2x 14.5mm KPVT
Max speed: around 150km/h
Armor: none

T-54AR Řeka (Researchable, Rank V, BR 8.0)


Armament: 100mm D10-TG
Max speed: 50km/h
Armor: max 200mm

Scipio with Mk44 and Spike (Researchable, Rank VII, BR 10.7)


30mm Bushmaster Mk 44
Max speed: 120km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

OT-62 Grom (Researchable, Rank III, BR 5.3)


Armament: 73mm 2A28 Grom
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: max 17mm

BIA (Researchable, Rank VI, BR 7.7)


Armament: 155mm
Max speed: 90km/h
Armor: can protect from small arms fire

Tatra 815 SOT (Researchable, Rank I, BR 1.7)

1x 12.7mm DSKM or NSVT (middle)
2x 7.62mm MINIMI or PKB (front)
1x 30mm AGS-17 or 2x 7.62 MINIMI (back)
Max speed: 120km/h
Armor: hull can protect from small arms fire, but protection is overall poor due to being open-top

Tatra 815 KS-19 (Researchable, Rank IV, BR 5.3)


Armament: 100mm KS-19 cannon
Max speed: 90km/h
Armor: none

T-72M1 Savan-15 (Researchable, Rank VI, BR 9.7)

Armament: 125mm 2A46
Max speed: 60km/h
Armor: same as T-72M


V-8-H-Sv (Premium, Rank II, BR 2.7)


Armament: 47mm Škoda A11
Max speed: 40km/h
Armor: max 60mm

Pbv 501 (Premium, Rank IV, BR 6.0)

Armament: 73mm 2A28
Max speed: 70km/h
Armor: max 23mm

SVO (Premium, Rank III, BR 5.0)


24x explosive charge
26,5kg THAF-2 liquid explosive each
range 250-530m
shells have proxy fuse and explode above ground
Max speed: 65km/h
Armor: max 23mm

KBV-VR Pandur II (Premium, Rank VI, BR 9.3)


Armament: 30mm Bushmaster II
Max speed: 105km/h
Armor: can withstand fire from 14.5mm

Praga LKMVP (premium, Rank I, BR 1.0)

Armament: 37mm škoda vz.34 or vz.37
Max speed: 52km/h
Armor: max 12mm

(gun is aimed backwards, meaning its not visible in this picture)

Other major changes

T-54AM: removed from the tree completely (more info in spoiler)

Found out T-54M and T-54AM are the exact same tank. T-54AM was preety much a duplicate of T-54M in my tree. This mistake was made because i didnt know that the T-54M could also be reffered to as T-54AM, and i automatically assumed its a different tank.

Added a researchable modification for the T-72M1 which adds Koktakt-1 onto the tank (more info in the spoiler)

T-72 ERA is a an upgrade package for T-72M1 made by Excalibur army. This upgrade package added Kontakt-1 ERA onto the tank, mainly to the UFP, front of the turret and turret roof, otherwise its the same as T-72M1. Development later lead to T-72EA Avenger.

Placement and BR changes

Titus: foldered with Patriot II

T-55M: moved to 8.3

T-55AM2: moved to 8.7

T-55AM2B: moved to 8.7

T-55 DYNA: moved to 9.0

T-72M2 Early: moved to 10.3

Leopard 2A4: moved to rank VII, BR 10.3

Pandur II FSV: moved to 10.0

Cobra-K: moved to premium, BR 8.7

OT-64 Cobra: moved to 8.7

SCIPIO with 2A42 and Konkurs: moved to 9.0

Corsac with 2A42 and Konkurs: moved to 9.0

VYDRA: moved to rank VI, BR 10.0

Tiger Škoda A18: moved to 6.3

IS-2: moved to 6.7

IS-3: moved to 7.3

T-42/75N: moved to 6.0

BVP-M: moved to 9.0

BPsV Istar: moved to 9.0

BVP-2M SKCZ: moved to 9.0

BVP-MEXCA: moved to 9.0

DITA: moved to 8.0

DIANA: moved to premium, BR 8.0

ZUZANA vz.2000: moved to rank VI, BR 7.7

ZUZANA 2: moved to rank VI, BR 8.0

HIMALAYA: moved to rank V

DANA-M1 CZ: moved to 7.3

DANA-M1M: moved to 7.3

DANA-M2: moved to 7.7

MODAN: moved to 6.7

ONDAVA: moved to 7.0

MORANA: moved to 7.7

Number of vehicles after the changes

Rank I: 19 researchable vehicles + 8 premium vehicles

Rank II: 16 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicles

Rank III: 12 researchable vehicles + 4 premium vehicles

Rank IV: 15 researchable vehicles + 6 premium vehicles

Rank V: 22 researchable vehicles + 6 premium/event vehicles

Rank VI: 24 researchable vehicles + 8 premium/event vehicles

Rank VII: 19 researchable vehicles + 4 event/squadron vehicles

Total vehicle count: 165 vehicles (making it the largest techtree in game, having 8 vehicles more than the Soviet techtree and more vehicles than France and Sweden, COMBINED)

Of that:

107 fully indigenous (I.E. developed and produced in Czech/Slovak factories) (65%)

48 upgrades of foreign vehicles (mainly of licenses) (29%)

10 copy-paste (vehicles that would play same as their in-game counterparts) (6%)


What about zuzana 2? Would be pretty cool to have that ngl

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Its actually already in there, on rank VI, tank destroyer line, BR 8.0, foldered with ZUZANA vz.2000 if you mean that

Otherwise ofcourse it would be great to have it in-game. Its one of the best artilerry systems currently in service, and, thanks to its direct fire capability (it even has a laser rangefinder and thermals similiarly to Vidar) and great mobility, its actually more than viable in the game and it would be one of the highlights of the tree


Ohh yeahh sorry my bad I was looking at the picture lol… Anyways man, keep up the work we will once get our tech tree. You’re a G for doing this for 2 years


Some minor changes to my tree - added 3 new vehicles and changed BRs of 3 other

New vehicles

Kolohousenka KH-50 (Rank I, BR 1.0, Premium)


Armament: 37mm Škoda L/27
Max speed:
15km/h on tracks
35km/h on wheels
Armor: max 14mm

Kolohousenka KH-60 (Rank I, BR 1.0, Researchable (will be automatically unlocked after reaching rank II similiarly to some French rank I tanks))

Armament: 37mm Škoda L/27
Max speed:
45km/h (on wheels)
18km/h (on tracks)
Armor: max 14mm

Kolohousenka KH-70 (Rank I, BR 1.0, Premium)


Armament: 47mm Vickers l/20
Max speed:
60km/h (on wheels)
18km/h (on tracks)
Armor: max 14mm

BR changes

T-40/75: Moved to 3.7

OT-62 Grom: moved to 5.7

BTR-50PK VOLANT: moved to 6.7

Number of vehicles after the changes

Rank I: 20 researchable vehicles + 10 premium vehicles

Rank II: 16 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicles

Rank III: 12 researchable vehicles + 4 premium vehicles

Rank IV: 15 researchable vehicles + 6 premium vehicles

Rank V: 22 researchable vehicles + 6 premium/event vehicles

Rank VI: 24 researchable vehicles + 8 premium/event vehicles

Rank VII: 19 researchable vehicles + 4 event vehicles

Total vehicle count: 168 vehicles (making it the largest techtree in game, having 11 vehicles more than the Soviet techtree and more vehicles than France and Sweden COMBINED)

Of that:

110 fully indigenous (I.E. developed and produced in Czech/Slovak factories) (65%)

48 upgrades of foreign vehicles (mainly of licenses) (29%)

10 copy-paste (vehicles that would play same as their in-game counterparts) (6%)


Hey, can i ask from where did you get those numbers of penetration? and if you could link it to me. Thanks

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BTW, now that im looking at STROP I, I think you have small mistake there is the gunner was on inside


It is more complicated, if I am reading the text at CZK - STROP : Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK) correctly the Strop 1 has 3 man crew - driver, gunner and commander and one of them sits under the guns and the head is likely unprotected. But from what I understand it has dual control so both gunner and commander can control it + I am not quite sure who sits in the back if it is commander or gunner.


Judging by the sentence ,The optical sight had more or less a function for visual reconnaissance and as a spare sight. The commander was able to check the accuracy of the operator’s tracking and observe the results of the firing”, i think by operator they mean the gunner. Both of them should be sitting inside the vehicle (one of the main reasons why Strop was developed was because of the unprotected gunner). IDK where exactly commander was located though, but the article says that ,In the cage structure under the sighting turret was the commander’s and gunner’s station. Its seat was taken from the BVP-1 and rotated together with the turret. In addition to the optical sight, this station had a duplicate control panel for the SRS, a PRUS indicator, a call box for external and internal communications, a signal and control console for the SRS, and an operator’s station”, so i guess he was right bellow the turret and his seat rotated with the turret of the aiming system.


Shouldn’t the Spyder air defence system be on this list?

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Not delivered yet. Also, im not really sure if Spyder could work in-game (I´ve heard they need separate radar vehicle to work, and they also dont carry extra missiles, just 4 in total ready to fire).

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I believe it has up to x8 missiles, and can be slaved and fired from the toplite optic on the top.

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I think your right. Atleast the Spyder armed with Pythons should be able to do that. Not sure about Derby though. I also think 8 rockets are on all-in-one Spyders only, which Czech army wont have (atleast according to my sources). I think i will have to wait till 2025 to find out how the specific Czech variant will look to decide whenever to add it or not (but i think Toptier SPAA wouldnt be that bad anyway, even without Spyder)

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And T-72 Scarab?

For an early rank II or late rank I premium I’d like to suggest the Panzer 39 mod. 1941. This tank is a Swiss continuation of the LTH with a new turret and a 47mm gun.