CV90Mk4.. why?

I dont want another MK.IV if this is the state they’ll be in

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and we’ll probably going to need to wait till the end of next year to see the proper version that’s IF they actually add it.

maybe some day…


Jokes aside thats some Cope. They’ll likely ignore another MK.IV for a few years or make it an event/prem so that the owrst one is in the TT. I mean look at the 9030, its 8.3 when it should be 8.7 and the best of the 9030 models have yet to arrive. Give the patria 9030 and at least it wouod finally have mobility tonuse the gun. Idk how stuff like the BMP 3 and such can sit at 9.0 but the 9030 is 9.3, @Kmdo_Peach when the swiss arrive, enjoy the 9030 at 9.3 if its still there. If you thought the Puma was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.


1000 krone price tag on that bad boy. Guess ill forclose my house

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I’m already hurting too bad with the Pumas 😭

I might die if they added it with all the stuff Sweden is lacking. Would be the most quintessential snail move.


If you haven’t seen people play the 9030 i really recommend it. You have no advantages and struggle to kill a T55 lmao. Then he just insta kills you as you cry


I can simulate that pain when using the Marders with their “DM63” (Rubber Bullets)
I’ve got a buddy that spaded rank 1-7 in Sweden, ill have him show me tonight haha.

I can confirm the cv9030 is one of the worst vehicles in the Swedish 9.3 lineup

I can confirm it is the worst IFV ive ever played. The type 87 without a stabilizer at 9.0 is still on my lineup at 11.3 i love it because the fire rate makes it fun, also it is smol

Well it has 116mm vs the pumas 121mm, so you can have an idea, stock apds is better damage wise though sadly

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imagine how peak it would be to launch spikes with the extending parascope, like the qn506 but better

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Guess we just need to try and fix the one we have and hope and pray for the future, thoigh if we do get the D model turret i want both sweden and the Netherlands to get it at the same time. Exclusivity of vehicles like that is annoying sometimes

i agree, but if we are to add both, i think sweden should get the 50mm and the dutch obviously with their 35

Well the dutch dont have MK.IV and sweden has the MK.III D which would be similar to the ones in service with the Dutch. While im not against it the MK.IV 9050 is not the same as the ones used by the Dutch. Additionally gaijin may just avoid giving sweden a MK.III instead adding a Danish Prem version as we are set to receive them though id rather the Danish Skyranger at that point as its more unique

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the dutch MLU IS the “mk4” its just the service name. MLU is d series turret, with the 35mm option. sweden very recently bought the 3C which is somewhat similar. im saying to add the d series with the 50mm for sweden BECAUSE it is not the same as the dutch one. sweden’s d series wouldnt be unique if it had the same gun as the dutch one.

Pretty sure its the MK.III chassis, you can look it up since they dont have the 1000hp engine.

Also the 50mm gun was only mounted on the MK.IV, the 35 has been mounted on both the MK.III and the MK.IV chassis

Biggest reason for using the MK.III chassis is money, way cheaper than the bigger and heavier chassis with the 1000hp engine

probably saving the good version for premium cough bmd

Good? Even if the 9050 was added if its handled the same way the current MK.IV is it will be DOA

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I don’t think the 9050 would be DOA unless they give it really shit rounds