The soviets do get a Sh-354T round in this game so why not something similar for our side? It could be used against low flying craft or silly vehicles such as the M3, M13, M15, M16, M18, Super M18, M19, M42, M56, T55E1, SU-5-1, SU-57, ASU-57, ZiS-30, SU-76, SU-100P, GAZ-AAA 4M, GAZ-AAA DShK, GAZ-MM 72-K, YaG-10 29-K, BTR-152A, ZiS-12 94-KM, ZiS-43, ZSU-37, BTR-152D, BTR-ZD, M53/59, ZSU-57-2, BM-13, BM-31, Archer, Light AA Mk 1, Staghound AA, Crusader AA, Ystervark, Bosvark, SARC MkIV, SARC MkVI 2, SARC MkVI 6, Alecto I & Ram
Yeah, but the pen value on 9mm steel balls can’t be good unless they are going Mach jesus.
Most of these vehicles mentioned are HT with exposed crew, model-t knockoffs with ‘wooden armor’, tractor knockoffs with a paltry amount of ‘A-Team armor’, or open topped designs intended for a dwarf of short stature (crew of normal stature is fully exposed)
- MG 151 Drilling for the Pz. Sp. Wg. P204:
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Already doing a suggestion. :)
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- Panzerwerfer truck?:
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- Bordkanone 5 for the Junkers Ju 288:
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