CM Covert Disclosures No.4: Information & Q&A with War Thunder Game Director, Viacheslav Bulannikov!

Why was there absolutely no question about new Game Modes???

This is one of the most requested items in the forums and by CC’s.

WWM is kinda garbage. I cant stand the seasonal nature of it and it’s just a chess board of all the other game modes and its extremely limiting.

Why no RB EC?

Why no rework of the PVE modes?

I mean the Assault modes are complete trash.


Any info on recycling inventory items mechanic from the 2024 roadmap? Could be nice if it came as planned this year.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesnt SAM mean Surface to Air Missle?
So does this mean every nation will recive a Sam “AA” in the next update?


Please add more ge/unlockable skins for future vehicles



“Q: AI Ticket bleed is detrimental to Air RB as the game can end without direct player input (and some AI aircraft are more effective than others). Could the impact of AI aircraft be capped to a certain amount of tickets? That way players would have to actively end the game themselves.”

Ticketbleed happens even with absolutely zero intervention of any players. This ticketbleed is NOT symmetrical. One side will win for no apparent reason. The video linked above even showcases the match ending in roughly 11 minutes, well within the 25 minute time limit for an ARB match. This happened without any player input.

Please make it so that:
A. Ticketbleed caused by AI is symmetrical, unless players interviene.
B. Ticketbleed does not cause a match to end before the match time is up.

These to changes would make ARB just a little more enjoyable.



Where is Rafale, Eurofighter, Su-30, Hornet, ARM’s???

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Not the next update, next year

I would like to know about this too. I have hundreds of orders I’m never going to use because it’s basically gambling to get low amounts of SL, I’ve been saving them since I started playing the game.


Not here.

Regarding ARMs, theyre not a priority

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Agreed. You should have number spaded there for each nation, same as before. Some people take pride in making the number go up.

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probably the developers lol

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Uh, yeah, sure, US gets F-14 without MiG-25, US gets new jet every patch, US mains cry so much that they get 229s on F-15Es without model and camo changes, but for MiG-29 to get R-73? For Su-24M get its thrust? Nah, stats aren’t enough)))


couldn’t agree more!


Pleas don’t get off topic its not worth it


Might be like drones, patriot or S-300 anty/HQ-9 for killstreak rewards


It’s entirely on topic. Or you would rather discuss why gaijin lied about Su-25 and A-10 spawns?


Still good.
Finally something to even out the playing field when it comes to toptier AA

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I congratulate you on your choice of skin. = )

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Also back-ups if you fly ARB or ASB.

Some people got hundreds piled up.


Patroullie Suisse (RIP) skin for the f5 when??

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