CM Covert Disclosures No.2: Keeping You Updated!

Love you Oxy!


If you want to improve Stingers feel free to take a look at the following reports


Phenomincal Stuff.

Only thing missing is an Assist Stat counter and a Level Prestige Mechanic

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Would love to do that, but recently it started hating PNG format for some reason, not attaching it to the reports. Hope that gets sorted out.

Mistral would also like a word…

Yes the image links are all dead, sry, blame Discord


I just hope the props get some love, there’s a number of bug reports about them: both actually significant (like SAPI shells for Hispano as an example) and miniscule ones (like the Yak-3’s new model having missing polygons)

Any news about leopard 2 rework when will it be done? Or atleast any news about germany leopard 2a7v armor fix?

Does the nuke counter show many nukes you’ve previously dropped as I’ve lost count and it would be a good addition to see what you’ve done before

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So by this, is it safe to assume that Gaijin will continue to ignore everything that is NOT top tier air? . . like the other 85% - 90% of the game? All we get are some token(and often copy/paste anymore) BP and some event reward vehicles that are NOT top tier. While I do realize that the marketing for new players has been extremely narrow in demographics, aimed at much younger players than in the past and they seem to be gleefully ignorant of anything more than 20 years old, and ofc the marketing reflects just that for the past 3 - 4 years now? Just curious as to when “fixing” things might include the parts of the game that are NOT top tier jets with automated weaponry and missile slinging ground vehicles. Is there even any reason to hold out hope that the first five tiers will ever get any attn again? . . or is it a big nah?

“dance with who brung ya” . . . . old saying where I am from

sounds interesting cant wait

@Oxygen_Thief_WT does this mean helis will get physical rotors?

The new personal stats menu looks bad. Too much empty space on the left and right. I can imagine how it will look on my UltraWide monitor. Thousands of kilometers of empty space. You could land an airplane


For the event vehicles if you dont want to lock too much higher up behind a paywall (as you have to use the market if you miss it) and so are sticking to similar vehicles in the tech trees, i do wonder why not add a secondary event lineup of low tier fun tier vehicles which are unique but would still be very similar in effectiveness to the tech tree with far less requirements?

IE rank I/II vehicles which many people enjoyed back in the day coming back as vehicles you need to get say, 30k score over a week? No daily grind just “if you play x amount over a week, get this neat little guy” thing. The point being it is heavily relaxed and aimed at everyone, including and especially new players and designed to be casual (so not the 35-45k every 2 days for 7-10 cycles, its meant to be easy mode).

Example vehicles being say, the A7, A9 or A10 vehicles for the UK, they would functionally be similar to the A13s, but would be unique and different enough while also being easy to go past/likely not cost too much on the market (and have a revolving door of them coming back, “dont like the new event coupon? Trade it for a past 1!”).

This way people who want some low tier event vehicles with a simple, light grind can get them, people who want unique vehicles can get them, people who missed a past event vehicle can get it via the current event vehicle coupon in a trade system and it doesnt effect the high tier unique vehicle issues we have seen.

It’s not completed yet

Interesting Stuff. The WIP of the profile customizations is looking nice.

Nice 👍

These are early design screenshots directly from the designers, what they’re working on as we speak now. It would be best to wait for this to be released to give feedback. Things may change.


So be it. It’s better to designate something as bad while it’s still in development

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I mean, its a bit like complaining your unbuilt house looks bad because it doesn’t have a roof.


There’s pros and cons to both for sure. My opinion is that these modifications of existing vehicles should be in the tech tree and unique or niche versions should be event exclusives. Most of the recent event vehicles tend to seem lazy to add, even if it wasn’t intended. Lookong forward to what that next vehicle is though.

Overall sounds promising, but are there plans to expand DM changes to aircraft? I see this as a good footstool to improve DM fidelity across the board, if possible.

I, for one, like knowing about some of technical aspects of your work. Especially since the instance of Squadron RP being affected by internal changes. It’s interesting, as well as transparent about what causes these issues. I would like to see more small breakdowns like these.

Honestly, mistakes happen. A correction to text or clarification is always welcome. If this is in regards to the comment about Spikes being random, it happened to touch on a topic that had high visibility in regards to bugs and performance issues. Being joked about sounded insulting, otherwise having a personalized blog is not a bad thing in itself.

Battletanx announcer: Nuke deployed.

You mean I don’t need to manually track my nukes anymore?? =DDDDDDD

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When the idea of a bonus was first mentioned I made the assumption that it was along the lines of a flat discount for the whole tree

I.e. if I had reached the end of the ground TT in a nation there would be a flat 5-10% discount for other nation’s ground vehicles.

Now I am seeing people say it will be an RP buff for the first 3 matches of the day.

Even a 35% buff for 3 matches only amounts to roughly 1 match of RP. I can only blame myself for my high hopes of a significant bonus.

Needless to say it’s a pretty big let down to wait all this time for what I consider to be a bonus so small that’s it’s addition will be inconsequential.