Churchill Mk. III/IV AVRE

Agreed, that would be a much more practical and overall better fit, but this is pretty interesting too
I think the VII AVRE should be a high-medium priority probably as a premium, and the IV AVRE would make an interesting event vehicle perhaps during an upcoming anniversary


We have the Centurion Mk.V AVRE, so why not the Churchill variants?

yes i want to bonk people with it


Nah, there’s no necro’s in the suggestion area. Only bumps.

I want the silly cartoon looking as Churchill.

Possibly it will turn up as a BP/Event vehicle or next years Anniversary special.

Always thought the AVRE, DDs and other Funnies should be rewards for a recurring annual D-Day event.


It’s been announced as new event vehicle, well done!



The track applique is ugly and no I will not stop complaining about it.


Why does the No.1 Demolition Bomb have PETN as explosive mass though?
The image shows it’s like 1/4 Pentolite and 3/4 TNT 🤔

2024-06-18 13_25_58-War Thunder

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Time for a report?

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Idk. That image is like the only source I know off, and I have no clue where it’s actually from.

Maybe Gaijin has some sekrit information that we don’t know. Like that self-destruct at 200m range.

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Because the data table has to list an explosive type, and that was the nearest best fit?

The filling is a hybrid of a layer of Pentolite (probably equal parts of PETN and TNT but there are other blends) and the majority is Nobels 808 (something like a blend of 61% nitroglycerine, 15% nitrocellulose and some other stuff). So it is a real witches brew of energetic materials pretty much all of which is more effective than TNT, but is also a bit too much to be expected to be listed individually.

I see. For some reason I thought Nobels explosive was TNT. But that would have been dynamite ;)

Shouldn’t this thread be closed because it’s been added to the game?




Give it some time

As the Churchill Mk.III AVRE was implemented as part of the Operation Overlord Event,

Moved to Implemented Suggestions. o7