Chinese guided bomb, Air to surface/ship missile, History, Performance & Discussion

This post mainly introduces the names and development history of various Chinese guided bombs/missiles.

 China's first generation guided bomb

The earliest guided bomb in China originated in the 1970s, when the United States launched the Paveway guided bombs on the Vietnam battlefield. So China also began to develop its own guided bomb.

The research and development task was entrusted to the “national team” in the field of aviation bombs -624 Factory (Harbin Jiancheng Machinery Factory, now a subsidiary of China Ordnance Industry Corporation, Harbin Jiancheng Group Co., Ltd.)

The project team for the development of laser guided bombs at 624 Factory began planning and argumentation in 1974, and in 1980, the technical status of the bombs was finally determined and the first batch of sample bombs were produced.

In order to facilitate the verification of product performance, Factory 624 found the nearest bomber unit to modify and mount this bomb.

H-5 responsible for testing tasks, photographed at Datushan Station in Zhengjiatun, Shuangliao.
But due to the tight military budget in the mid-1980s, the project was ultimately discontinued.

        LT series guided bomb

Affected by the Gulf War, China has restarted the development of guided bombs.

In May 1992, the Aviation Industry 613 Institute began developing laser targeting pods for new laser guided bombs, and completed the functional demonstration of the prototype by the end of 1995.

After a year of preparation, the National Defense Science and Technology Commission officially approved the development of a new laser guided bomb weapon system. The development of the bomb was entrusted to the 612 Institute, while the production was still resumed by the 624 Factory.

The result of development is the LT series guided bomb. Launched by Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd., abbreviated as AVIC


The design concept of the LT-2 is similar to that of the Paveway Ⅱ, while the technology adopted by the LT-3 laser guidance system belongs to the same technical level as the Paveway Ⅲ.

         LS-6 series guided bomb

The LS-6 series guided bombs were launched by the Luoyang Optoelectronic Technology Development Center (a subsidiary of AVIC)

It is worth noting that LT-3 was later renamed LS-6 and added to the LS-6 series.


However, the LT-2 did not change its name to include it in the LS series, but was gradually phased out.

As it uses the first generation guidance head, which is already outdated. Therefore, the recent Zhuhai Air Show no longer showcases LT-2, and instead uses the GB500 (GB1) with the second generation guidance head.

According to the information I have found, the last exhibition of LT-2 was at the 2012 Zhuhai Air Show, and at that time its name was still LT-2.

The LT-2 did not renamed as the LS series like the LT-3 was renamed as LS-6, as it used outdated first generation guidance head technology, so the LT-2 was directly phased out as an outdated product and replaced by GB500 (GB1).

However, the GB500 (GB1) is an upgraded second-generation guidance head based on the body shape of the LT-2. LT-2 can be considered to have been renamed and upgraded in this special way to join the GB series.

In the PLA Air Force, it is common to see images of inventory LT-2 and the new GB500 (GB1) appearing together.

         TG series guided bomb

TG is the abbreviation of TIANGE, the TG series is a new generation guided bomb series developed in China, launched by Harbin Jiancheng Group Co., Ltd.

Harbin Jiancheng Group Co., Ltd., also known as the 624 factory that developed China’s first generation of laser guided bomb, was introduced at the beginning of the post.

The TG series also has two special models, TIANGANG500 GPS glide guided bomb, and TL500 glide guided cluster bomb.

The TG series was later renamed as the GB series guided bomb.

        GB series guided bomb

The GB series guided bombs were renamed and developed from the TG series, covering 25 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, 250 kg, 500 kg, and 1000 kg levels.

You may feel a bit confused, I have made a simple diagram to help you understand.

This schematic diagram can effectively illustrate the development of one of the lines in China’s guided bombs.

I must emphasize that the GB series guided bombs are not only used for export, but also standard equipment used by PLA.

especially the GB500 (GB1), which has many public images and information.



Regarding the export names and PLA self use names of these guided bombs, I have found the following information

On November 11, 2019, Hangzhou held an Air Force Open Day, and in the photo, the PLA self use name of the GB500 (GB1) is K/YJG500B laser guided bomb. And the LT-2 next to it only has a 500KG laser guided bomb written on it, without its own name.



However, in the footage of the “National Defense and Military Morning Post” broadcast on October 24, 2021, we can see that the name on the side of the bomb body is GB1 type 500KG guided bomb. This is consistent with the name of the export version.

Don’t doubt that this is not a PLA self use version, the coating and labeling on the bomb body can prove that this is 100% PLA self use version.


I think this already speaks for itself.

It can now be concluded that PLA has changed the name of its own guided bomb to match the name of the export version.

So now whether it’s the export version or the self use version, calling it GB500 or GB1 is all correct.


Regarding the difference between LT-2 and GB500 (GB1), I have already made it clear that the GB series is the new generation of guided bombs.

There are four laser guidance modes developed for these guided bomb series.

①Namely the first generation laser beacon seeker.
②The second generation using gyroscope stabilization system and proportional guidance law.
③The third generation seeker with scanning, preset, and automatic tracking functions.
④And the fourth generation adding GPS/INS guidance on top of the third generation.

LT-2 belongs to the first generation and is a relatively backward technology. And GB500 (GB1) belongs to the second generation.

The guidance mode is also known as laser+IOG in the game. which is the same as guidance mode of Paveway III.

I think as long as there are no problems with the eyes and brain, it can be seen that they are using different guidance seekers, just like Paveway II and Paveway III.

The names of the GB series are very confusing, and many models have two names. For example, the GB500 I mentioned above is also known as GB1.

Here are the names of other guided bomb models


       YJ/YL series guided bomb

The YJ/YL series was launched by China South Industry Group Co., Ltd., and it was the new series that made its debut at the 2018 Zhuhai Airshow.

              YJ series


              YL series


Among them, YL5, also known as YJ1000, is similar to GB1000 and can be equipped with various warheads, such as penetrating warheads, high explosive warheads, etc.

At the 2022 Zhuhai Air Show, both J16 and JH7A2 were showcased with YL5 (YJ1000).

               FT series

FT is the abbreviation for FeiTeng. The FT series was launched by Long March International Trade Co., Ltd.

Which is a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

The China Academy of Launch Vehicles, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, first launched the FT-1 and FT-3 precision guided bombs developed by the company to the international market at the 2006 Zhuhai Air Show.

Afterwards, the “FeiTeng” series family expanded to include FT-2, FT-5, FT-6, FT-9, FT-10, and FT-12, covering various bombs ranging from 25 kilograms to 1000 kilograms.

This series of bombs is a direct competitor to the Leishi 6 (LS-6) series precision guided bombs developed by China Luoyang Optoelectronic Technology Development Center (a subsidiary of AVIC).

The FT-1 and FT-3 bombs were first displayed, but later FT-3 bombs did not look like the original model.

JH-7 fighter bomber carries FT-1.


FT-2, 500 kg satellite guided glider bomb.


FT-3, 250 kg satellite guided bomb (with a body of domestically produced 250-2 aviation bomb)


The FT-3 showcased at the 2009 air show.

the latest FT-3 bomb has a smaller tail cone size and a change in wing position, making it more compact overall.

FT-3A, 250 kg satellite/laser composite guided bomb.


Mount FT-3A on the Q-5 attack aircraft.


FT-4, 250 kg satellite guided glider bomb.


FT-5, 100 kg small caliber guided bomb.


FT-6, 500 pound satellite guided glider bomb (with a body of American made MK.82 bomb).


FT-6A, 500 pound satellite/laser composite guided glider bomb.


FT-7, Small 130kg Glider Guided Bomb.


FT-8 series

FT-9, 50kg Guided Bomb.


FT-10, 25kg small guided bomb.

FT-12, Rocket Assisted Guided Bomb.


        YJ-8 series missiles

The YJ-8 series missiles were developed by the Third Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation.

The early development of the YJ-8 series anti-ship missiles can be traced back to the early 1970s, when air launched anti-ship missiles were developed to complement the Navy Aviation’s Q-5乙 improved attack aircraft program.


However, due to the cessation of development of related platforms, the development of air launched anti-ship missiles also faced a lack of platforms and came to a standstill. With the persistence and slow progress of researchers, hope was reserved for future development (the development conditions were also very limited).

With the gradual advancement of the development plan and changes in practical needs. In the late 1970s, the project was officially approved for development and named “Eagle Strike 8”. The basic type was also changed from the initial airlaunched type to a shipboard type.

YJ-8 basic type (H/AJJ08 type)

YJ-8A Shipborne Missile (H/AJJ08A)


The YJ-8A is the first generation improved version of the YJ-8 and also the first mass-produced model with larger equipment. The projectile is slightly elongated and uses an improved solid rocket engine, which extends the range to about 70 kilometers without significant changes in volume and weight.

YJ-81/YJ-8K air-to-ship missile (H/AKJ08 type)


The air to ship model developed on the basis of the YJ-8 ship to ship missile is characterized by the elimination of solid rocket boosters at the rear, further reducing the length of the missile, non foldable wings, and a maximum range of about 50 kilometers. It was one of the main air to ship missiles of the Chinese Navy’s aviation from the late 1990s to the early 21st century, gradually replaced by YJ-83K/KH air to ship missiles and other models.

YJ-82/YJ-8Q Submarine Missile (H/AQJ08 Type)


The submarine to ship model developed on the basis of YJ-8 is launched by torpedo launch tubes, using a disposable powered underwater launch tube, dry water launch method, foldable wings, and a maximum range of 40-50 kilometers.

It is mainly equipped with domestically produced conventional and nuclear powered attack submarines such as the 039G conventional submarine, and is one of the main domestically produced submarine missiles.

YJ-83 Ship to Ship Missile (H/AJJ83 Type)


The YJ-83 ship to ship missile is the second generation improved version based on the YJ-8 ship to ship missile. It is equipped with a turbojet engine and has a maximum range of 120 kilometers.

Thanks to technological progress, its weight is further reduced compared to the YJ-8/8A (by about 100 kilograms), and it has also made progress in anti-interference ability and has better beyond visual range combat capabilities.

After the emergence of this type of ship to ship missile, it quickly became the standard equipment for a series of new domestic surface combat ships, with a large number of equipment. Compared to the YJ-8A, its launch box has added three strengthening ribs, and the shape of the launch cover has undergone significant changes.

YJ-83Q Submarine Missile (H/AQJ83 type)


The submarine to ship model of YJ-83 ship to ship missile has a similar launch method to YJ-82, with a significantly improved maximum range and better overall performance compared to YJ-82.

It endows domestic conventional submarines and attack nuclear submarines with better strike flexibility and is one of the main domestic submarine missiles.

YJ-83K Air-to-Ship Missile (H/AKJ83 Type)

YJ-83K is the air-to-ship model of YJ-83, which eliminates the solid rocket booster at the tail, reduces the length of the projectile, and has a maximum range of no less than 180 kilometers (some say it can reach 280 kilometers).

The carrier platform has good adaptability and has replaced YJ-81 (YJ-8K) as one of the standard sea attack weapons for naval combat aircraft such as JH-7/7A fighter bombers, H-6G/L anti-ship missile bombers, and J-15 carrier based multi-purpose fighter jets.

YJ-83KH Air-to-Ship Missile


The YJ-83KH is an improved version of the YJ-83K air-to-ship missile, which uses infrared imaging guidance technology and has strong anti-interference and all-weather combat capabilities.

YJ-83J Ship-to-Ship Missile

The YJ-83J is an extended range improved version of the YJ-83 ship to ship missile, with a maximum range of over 200 kilometers, almost twice that of the YJ-83. Guidance technology has been improved, enhancing anti-interference capabilities and combat capabilities under complex conditions.

YJ-83B Ship-to-Ship missile.


YJ-83B has improved guidance technology on the basis of YJ-83, with a range of over 200km. It adopts radar+infrared imaging dual-mode guidance technology, improving anti-interference ability and strike accuracy.

YJ-83KB Air-to-Ship missile.


YJ-83KB is the air-to-ship version of YJ83B.

               TL series

There are two TL series, TIANLONG and TIANLEI, whose names are both abbreviated as TL series.

But they are completely different series with different research and development companies.

            TIANLONG series

Firstly, let’s introduce the TIANLONG series. The TIANLONG series is launched by Hongdu Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd and is also a subsidiary of AVIC.

Many models of the TIANLONG series also have two names, but the reason is different from the previous GB series. The TIANLONG series has two names because it has two sales units.

One is China Aerospace Technology Import - Export Corporation. (Abbreviated as CATIC)

The other is China Precision Machinery Import - Export Corporation. (Abbreviated as CPMIEC)


For example, when sold by CATIC, it is called TL-7, while when sold by CPMIEC, it is called C-802.

TL-1and TL-2 anti-ship missile

TL-6B (C-704) anti-ship missile

TL-7 is an anti-ship missile, TL-17 is a medium range air-to-ground missile.

TL-7 (C-802) anti-ship missile, its PLA self use version is called YJ83.


TL-17, developed based on China’s own KD-88 air-to-ground missile, is a typical defense weapon outside the zone. The KD-88 missile is mainly equipped with the JH-7A fighter bomber of the Chinese Air Force and Navy Aviation, as well as the H-6H/M medium range bomber of the Air Force, with the aim of enhancing the long-range precision strike capability of these aircraft.

The technical characteristics of the KD-88 missile are twofold:

firstly, it has a route planning system, which can set several turning points in advance, so that the missile does not fly towards the target in a straight trajectory after launch, greatly increasing the difficulty of enemy interception;

The second is to introduce a bidirectional data link “Human in the loop” guidance mode, where operators can use the bidirectional data link to temporarily change the target of the missile during flight and attack new targets; At the end of the missile’s flight, the operator can also see the images transmitted by the missile through the data link on the fire control console, and then manually select the attack target to ensure strike efficiency.


The TL-7/17 anti-ship missile inherits the basic technical characteristics of the KD-88 missile.

It uses a small jet engine, weighs 700 kilograms (TL-7)/710 kilograms (TL-17), and has a range of up to 180 kilometers (TL-7) and 230 kilometers (TL-17).

It can be launched from fighter jets, bombers, ground installations, or ships.


The TL-7/17 missiles have similar size specifications, but the difference lies in the seeker.

The TL-7 missile uses an active radar seeker, while the TL-17 missile uses satellite guidance and bidirectional data links for “Human in the loop” TV/infrared guidance.

TL-10 series anti-ship missiles.

TL30 is a patrol anti radiation missile with a range of 280km

TL20 is a small diameter bomb.


TL30 and TL20 are included in the ground attack weapons of L15, as the development unit of L15 light attack aircraft/trainer aircraft is also Hongdu Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd.


             TIANLEI series

TIANLEI series launched by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Limited.




TL-1C and TL-4

The TIANLEI series is commonly used as airborne weapons for drones and helicopters.

              AR series

The AR series currently has AR-1/1B, AR-2.


              AG series

The AG series currently has two models, AG-300M and AG-300L.


               YZ series


Alright, now we have basically finished talking about the current guided bomb series in China. If there is anything I have missed, please supplement in the comments section.

Finally, I hope Gaijin can acknowledge the issue of incorrect TS250 name and correct it, and add more GB series guided bombs, such as GB500 (GB1).


There was an issue about the TS250 naming acknowledged months ago, but still not fixed
TS-250 Guide Bomb is a wrong name // // Issues


They should have forgotten to admit it long ago, we need to remind them


I want to know the progress of fixing it


@Smin1080p Hopefully the developers will notice and fix this


there is a video show GB series guied bbombs in 2021 Zhuhai Air Show


Great post. Thank you for the effort!


Thank you for you detailed instruction



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@Smin1080p Hope developers can correct the name of TS250



If something is believed to be incorrect, a report will need to be submitted: Community Bug Reporting System


hi I believe this issue has been submitted before. Could you check if the developer is aware of this?
TS-250 Guide Bomb is a wrong name // // Issues


Thank you for your reply. I will try submitting the iusse again and hope the developers can take it seriously.


Really good introduction for China’s guided bomb!


Good, really good


all these nane a not pla use,so gaijin think they are pla lt2(ls6/in game ls500j) is k/yjg500,tg500(gb500/gb1) is k/yjg500b.
ls500j can’t find any info in chinese internet.but in english can find a lot of the word are create in english the way I can’t find any info about ts250.I think it’s create by gaijin

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It is some very good writing on Chinese bombs. Can I suggest the title of this thread to change to “Chinese air-to-ground ammunition, History, Performance & Discussion” so that we can have a centralized place to discuss Chinese bombs and AGMs in this topic?

I Agreed, but changing to air to ground ammunition is not very accurate. This post only introduces guided bombs and lacks an introduction to other air to ground weapons. So I will change it to “Chinese guided bomb, History, Performance & Discussion.”


Up to you. I am fine with it

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Any chance you’ve found any information on the explosive material the Chinese use in their bombs? I have a hard time believing they still only use TNT while every other country uses a better performing explosive material. Finding out this information would help buff Chinese bombs a bit since, the TS-250 for example has 91 kg of explosive mass (TNT) while the US paveway II has 87.1 kg of Comp. H6 for a TNT equal of 117.6 kg.

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