China Norinco VT series MBTs, History, Performance & Discussion

Looks like a VT5 to me.

make it looks like VT5, crazy

Maybe I made a mistake.I deleted it

big problem >:3

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Try putting it into google translate, I’m pretty sure pdf works.

ive added a issue for DTC10-125 Community Bug Reporting System
if gaijin dont buff it, after the 829A3 and 3BM59 coming to game, chinese will be lack of competitiveness, dont tell me France, they have new rounds

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im trying to figure out how to do that right now, any tips? all i can seem to do right now is slowly copy paste into translate and then back into a word doc

edit, says it cant translate a file larger than 10mb

use pictrue translate?

I see, the whole document seems to be 600+ page, I guess the best bet is to figure out which specific pages you need to translate, and just translate those pages by either copy pasting them or saving them as a separate smaller file.

thats why im trying to work on right now, good news is that its pretty comprehensive so hopefully it has all the info we need.
ill edit this message as i find more useful info, but much of it is hard to comprehend without an understanding of the language or technical meaning so i might need help…

-Project draft
Manual for crew
Main battle tank 60 (VT- 4)
By the Cavalry Center
project officer
Col. Supharuk Jeenjankit
Achievements in developing the military ethos of the Royal Thai Army.
Year 2022, annual budget 2023
(for inspecting work)

Gun playing speeds(pages 19 for electric drive, and 69 for aiming rate)

traverse rate maximum 30°/s
elevation rate 5-7°/s

Main performance and parameters of autoloader(page 151)
Ammunition reload rate: 7 - 9 rounds/minute(6.7 seconds at best)


  1. Specific characteristics of the speed changer
    A. Model: Hydraulic mechanism combined speed changer.
    B. Gear position: 6 gears forward and 2 reverse

Basic and normal armor:
Also protects against penetration by armor piercing (AP) rounds.
Uniform rolled armor, 550 mm thick, RHA value.
Prevents penetration of anti-tank (HEAT) explosive shells.
With armor rolled into a uniform thickness of 750 mm.
RHA value
FY-II reactive armor: Protects against penetration by armor-piercing (AP) rounds.
≥ 750 mm.RHA
Prevents penetration of anti-tank grenade shells.
(HEAT) ≥ 1,300 mm. RHA

Edit: alright guys, this is all the useful info i was able to scarp up with some help, but feel free to dig though the source yourself!


That part is the traverse rate, elevation rate is mentioned in the part below.

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thank you for the translation help, its seems the Thia use an older system for the turret as the Pakistanis demonstrated a much faster traverse rate.

No, they mentioned in the manual that Thailand VT-4 use the same electrical control system. For the Pakistan video, they show the maximum speed of the stabilizer.



I can’t seem to find anything on that link. What was your bug report about specifically? I’ve been working on one for fixing the top shell we use but am currently vetting the primary source of the shells datasheet to make sure it’s safe to include. The current shell we use, DTC10-125 is incorrect, the real DTC10-125 is the 125-III which only the WZ, VT-4, and 99A can use with the modified cannons for the higher pressure; this shell can penetrate 680mm at 2000m and had it’s datasheet leaked in the past. The current shell we have in game is actually the DTW-125 (125-II) which can pen 600mm at 2000m. I have 2 secondary sources on this but am waiting on a decision on if the primary source of the DTW-125 datasheet is safe to use and not considered restricted.

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about the Post-Composited Rod, the little tungsten carbide core in the tail of round, it has better penetration ability than noraml integrated bullet core

the finding was been release in 2014 on 军工学报 Vol.35

im sorry, i can seem to find that exact segment, what page is it on exactly? one of my main interests is trying to find the maximum value of horizontal speed for the turret, and vertical speed for the gun.

Electric gun drive is mentioned on page 19 of the PDF, and aiming rate is mentioned on page 69.

For traverse rate, it is 30°/s because laying mode is the maximum. and the elevation rate, it is the same for all modes, 5-7°/s.

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While you are here, what is the protocol on ammunition datasheets for bug reports? I have an image of the DTW-125 ammunition datasheet I would like to use in my bug report but don’t know if it is allowed since the DTC10-125 datasheet was a leak.

All penetration are calculated using the L/O formula, which requires the length, diameter, weight, and muzzle velocity of the APFSDS penetrator.

Above report has been removed as it used an image of DTC-10 leaked from Taobao.

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