maybe it use the auto loader like 2S25?
just a guess cause i think the 105mm round cant use that auto loader🤪
Are you sure its a export tank?
Most likely, it is, cause PLA dont need a IFV with 105mm canno, they already got ZTQ15 and ZTD05
Why does it have desert camo? Thailand doesnt have sand
It is, the turrwt similar to the Chinese new 8X8 assault gun, basicly same structure, but some structure can be changed to make back of the turret shorter.
standard Norinco painting, and that’s why it’s probably export.
I don’t think so, the bustle in the back on every auto loader of 105 show 2 piece.
The one on the image of ZBD missing 1.
models before MBT2000, Type 90
The early Type 90 armor structure was more like the 96, rather than the Leopard 2
Both are the same turret but the new VN tank doesn’t have the bustle autoloader
Should be loaded by hand since this is more an IFV rather then Firepower support like the 105 with autoloader, the hull of this is larger, should be able to carry 1-2 more soldiers and more ammos too.
I think that they gonna introduce this soon at Zhuhai 2024 or near future military promotion like the latest one in Chile, hope we get more info about this
This ISSUES has been rejected.
and I have resubmitted a more detailed document. I don’t know the outcome
VT4 Hull ERA Size Error(Supplementary information and evidence) // // Issues
New chinese heavy IFV. Is this a VN series tank?
Looks like both have the same hull. But what’s the gun on the picture I shared? 20mm or 12.7mm?
Certainly looks to be a 20mm at the very least, or even 30mm.
It also appears to have small stinger-like missiles on the left of the gun.
Definitely not a 50cal, though.
Some websites called it VN11. I think VN11 has two hull options to choose from. One is the newer hull and the other is this upgraded Type59 hull.
No, vn-11 is exported ZBD-04 and VN-11A for ZBD-04A.
30mm possibly. Chinese has no 20mm gun. should be something similar to VN-1C’s turret.
MBT-2000 with a lot of bags as a event vehicle XD