Is this a spall liner?
I believe both these pics you posted suggest that the MBT-2000 actually has a lot of spall liners around the turret, you should make a report if one hasn’t been made already
It’s for locking the gun in place while not in use/transit
That would be HUGE if it is. A lot of the Chinese tanks weaknesses is the turret roof not steep enough to ricochet so you can easily kill 1 crew member and destroy breach by shooting there. A spall liner there would prevent that and actually make them survivable.
BTW what do tank spall liners even look like? The Abrams are supposed to have them but just like every image I see it just looks like white painted metal. Is that just how spall liners look like?
It can be sprayed, integrated within the armor, or sheeted around the inside of the vehicle.
Anything really, there is no one way to make a spall liner, but typically they are a softer material like Kevlar, plated around the interior of the crew compartment. Some make it more obvious than others. In war thunder tho I think they are all treated more or less the same, which is probably for the best as it would take a lot of time to get into exacts for each and every tank
If it’s ok with you, I’m gonna make a quick bug report for the MBT-2000, can you give me the sources for these photos?
edit: nvm just used google lens so all good
for Clarification, the pictures you have are of the VT-4, not the MBT-2000
There is already an acknowledged bug report for VT-4 spall liner. May you can try to ask a tech mod to add the photos as additional evidence to the report.
VT4 missing spall liners // // Issues
How would i get in contact with a tech mod?
Abrams has spall liner integrated into it’s armor if I’m not mistaken. It seems like most tanks from east use a separate layer of spall liner in their tanks.
It’s integrated into the structure which makes it all the more difficult in trying to prove to Gaijin that it exists because there’s data saying it’s there, but no unclassified imagery showing the layout of it or how it’s incorporated into the armor (to my knowledge or that they would deem as “credible”). Spall Liners have been in use since the M60’s.
ill make a separate bug report regardless, as the current bug report failed to mention any details, and my evidence thanks to @Miraz05 is much clearer
Yeah looks like I was wrong. Btw this is the actual interior of MBT-2000
before i make the report, ill post the two images im going to use for it.
link: THAIDEFENSE-NEWS: รถถังหลัก VT4 (MBT 3000)
report created, hopefully they accept it as new material!
Seems like they have added your pictures to the other bug report
Does anyone know if the ERA hidden inside the turret should actually be broken down into many pieces like the above diagram instead of just four large pieces in the turret front currently? Or is this just an option to install even more ERA outside the turret armor?
Also, since LFP and side ERA option has been rejected in bug reports, I am trying to write a suggestion to add them. Does anyone know what is the source of the picture?
Having a source won’t make a difference. The issue is that this modification has yet to be physically made, and as such the Devs don’t feel the need to add it right now, and justify it because it technically doesn’t exist.
Our only hope for this is to be used or added as a future variant of the VT-4, so it would be best to just make a suggestion for it
Im sorry but this response makes no sense when you consider all the Russian tanks that have highly detailed ERA. This not only puts the VT-4 at a disadvantage, it just seems to show a blatant doubt standard for modeling between Russian ERA and Chinese ERA. Even Western ERA gets more detail than this, so I just don’t except this response as an excuse to keep the Chinese ERA in large clusters. Can someone please make another post about this? This just doesn’t seem right