Yes it was kinda lame, but it worked very very well 2 years ago
I highly doubt some Reddit cringe union did anything when there was big media attention on the matter
I mean things changed no? It was pretty cool seeing the war thunder community agree on one thing was also nice
they changed on like two things and other changes were not introduced. Theres still glaring issues such as the main theme of this thread which have been present for over a decade not has gaijin changed in their ways, you haven’t forgotten the auction already have you?
I have not, i’m also not saying the game is perfect, but I rather have 2 things fixed than 0.
Im just not going to give them a free pass because they made the SL economy playable. It was never as bad as WoT but if you set the bar any lower and its in the core of the planet
Things then changed because of the review bombing, which was brought up in a response from gaijin, the amount of negative feedback, and people speaking with their wallets
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The autoloader module is the equivalent to the loader crew member.
except its a 3rd we have to worry about while playing russian tanks to even fire our gun, the cannon, breach and autoloader, its like the same with the nato tanks getting it, tho still they are able to fire just as a tank destroyer mode,
Before, autoloaders were broken because they were all strengths and pros, but no drawbacks.
Now, autoloaders have drawbacks, but still have strengths;
1- Reload process won’t be interrupted by extinguishing a fire.
2- Reload process won’t restart for extinguishing a fire.
3- Reload process won’t be interrupted by having a crew member killed.
4- Reload speed unaffected by available crew in battle.
5- Reload speed unaffected by crew health or damage.
6- Reload speed unaffected by crew skills, no need to even train the loader.
It was extremely unfair that it had all these advantages before ON TOP of being indestructible, while human loaders had to deal with all of the disadvantages with no advantages by comparison.
The addition of the autoloader module was the least that could be done to even out the loaders situation.
also important to note that autoloaders do not currently generate spall so where now your autoloader can be disabled preventing you from reloading (you can probably still fire once because most of the time you have a round in the chamber) the autoloader module itself acts as additional protection for your ammunition making many shots that should destroy your tank only disable the auto loader
whereas currently on dev shooting the turret basket of abrams or leo not only dissables the turret drive but also produces a significant amount of spalling increasing the chance of a round killing all turret crew (particularly relevant on most leos as this is generated after the round passes through spall liners) even though one of the functions of the turret basket is to provide some degree of protection for the crew against spalling
also for the abrams for some reason when you are hit in the ammo compartment the round in your chamber evaporate also
Yeah, that’s been a issue, though to me most of the time it happens during reloads which makes sense. There has been a couple of times the round fully loaded in my breech disappears entirely though.