British BR 6.3+ light tanks review (1/2025)

British BR 6.3+ light tanks review (1/2025)

As someone who has played all higher tier British light tanks aside from Rooikat 105 (but I asume it plays simulary to Mk.1D and MTTD) I wanted to make this review for players who want to explore more mobile side of UK tech tree and want to know which vehicles are worth playing. All BR are for Ground RB.

Ratel 90 (6.3)


+ good penetration (can easily go through Jumbo, Tigers and other common heavy tanks)

+ OK gun depression


- somewhat sluggish mobility

- HEATFS damage is inconsistent

- weak armor in combination with large profile

My thoughts:

Overall OK vehicle, better played as cautious TD rather then scout

Ratel 20 (6.7)


+ can be sometimes used as AA

+ mouse guided highly responsive MILAN ATGM, can be operated seperately from behind cover via keybind


- weak armor in combination with large profile

- slugish simulary to Ratel 90

- slow targeting speed

My thoughts:

I honestly found it to be fairly fun and sometimes uptier it as far as 8.7 and used it as dollar store Marder, MILAN is great ATGM and ability to shoot it from cover shouldnt be underestimeted even if rest of vehicle can be bit lackluster

Eland 90 Mk.7 (7.7)


+ decent mobility

+ OK gun depression and slightly better targeting speed then AML-90

+ good penetration with HEATFS

+ very small vehicle, easy to hide


- very weak armor

- gets hard stoped by any obstacle

- takes bit to build up speed

My thoughts:

Solid sneaky Tank destroyer and scout vehicle, but gets overshadowed by Fox at same BR in most aspects

Scimitar (7.7)


+ small profile, easy to hide

+ great RARDEN 30 mm cannon (stock SAP-I has low pen but after you get APDS it gets way better)

+ 10 degrees of gun depression


- Snail still has not fixed its steering (looses half of speed when turning, overcorrects alot)

- extremely bouncy suspension while on move, more so then any CVR(T) series tank in-game (Stormers and Striker)

My thoughts:

I found Scimitar very painful to play due to its inability to use its speed properly and its very wobly suspension, meaning that I have to stop to be able to hit anything and in its current (unfinished) state it is inferior to Fox in EVERY aspect

Fox (7.7)


+ 30 mm RARDEN

+ one of best mobility in entire game

+ 14 degrees of gun depresion

+ suprisingly stable gun platform even in high speeds

+ armor suprisingly resistant to large caliber machine guns


- can be harder to control at high speeds

- everyone playing against you hates you

My thoughts:

Fox is propably best light tank for scouting and flanking in UK tech tree to be honest and is easily uptierable, I have nothing bad to say about it to be honest

Warrior (8.3)


+ Great MILAN 2 ATGM, good upgrade and keep great responsivness and ability to by launched from cover either by comander control of ATGM/special weapon control

+ solid mobility even with add-on armor

+ RARDEN 30 mm cannon

+ great thermals


- unstabilised main armament (though up to 50 km/h Warrior is still fairly stable gun platform)

- rate of fire on lower side in comparison to rest of simular BR IFVs (but one of best pens)

My thoughts:

I honestly find Warrior to be whole package, it can do more or less anything I want from it and I found it to be usable in any kind of map, though I have to play more cautiously in some of them, for me it does everything I want from IFV type vehicle

Vickers Mk.11 (8.7)


+ 105 mm gun with top APFSDS in combination with LR makes it great sniper

+ very stable gun platform even in great speeds, more-so then Rooikat

+ decent mobility

+ amphibious


- very weak hull armor, alergic to machine gun fire

- large target

- stock HEATFS

My thoughts:

I found Mk.11 to ve more gun then I expected with great fun and decent mobility, but severy allergy to .50 cals (and also it looks really cool)

Rooikat Mk.1D (8.7)


+ great mobility

+ top APFSDS from start

+ LR makes shooting at distance easy


- weak armor and somewhat large profile

- 76 mm APFSDS is very inconsistent damage-vise

My thoughts:

First Rooikat is really great vehicle and one of my personal favourites, it is great flanker and scout but gun can be sometimes quite inconsistent at dealing damage

Rooikat MTTD (9.3)


+ autoloader (reload does not rely on crew skill and is same even with 2 crew members)

+ good mobility

+ great 105 mm gun

+ thermals


- stock HEATFS life

- weak armor, very prone to be gunned down by autocannons

- no smoke launchers make already low survivability even lower

- no machine gun

My thoughts:

Rooikat MTTD is great vehicle for flanking and sniping though to be honest I enjoyed first Rooikat bit more

VFM5 (9.3)


+ great mobility

+ good old reliable 105 mm gun

+ .50 cal machine gun on top, usefunl against helicopters


- no thermals at fairly high BR

- stock HEATFS

- mobility somewhat lacking when stock

My thoughts:

VFM5 is for me definition of (tracked) light tank, great gun, great mobility but weak armor, it is well balanced vehicle and although lacks thermals it can still work very well

Desert Warrior (10.0)


+ TOW-2A is fairly solid ATGM

+ gets stock smoke grenades


- slugish mobility (cannot take add-on armor off for better mobility even though IRL it can be taken off)

- mid rate of fire with horrible stock APDS and low pen(92 mm), low damage APFSDS as top ammo

- 7 degrees of gun depression

- TOW-2B top-downs are kinda wonky, often do not work

- most of time cannot fire ATGMs from behind cover outside of very few positions

My thoughts:

I really wanted to like D. Warrior as someone who enjoys original but it dissapointed be greatly, stock grind was absolutely atrocious and even maxed out it performs way worse then any other simular BR IFV-type vehicle, if you want light tank to 10.3/10.7 lineup I andvise you to either use Stormer AD for scouting or use either Rooikat MTTD/105 or VFM5

This about sums up my review of British light tanks (sorry for making it this long), there are some weaker vehicles, good vehicles and then there is also Fox which is honestly best vehicle tier for tier, but I still advise you to give chance to rest of them. My personal highlights would be Rooikats, original Warrior, Vickers Mk.11 and VFM5 and of course Fox. Hopefully this review will be helpful to someone and I wish you good luck on battlefield.


The people that hate you have never played it and don’t realise that it really isn’t that OP. It totally deserves the flak it gets as its clearly APFSDS firing and fully stabilised and has god armour.

I love the fox but it really isn’t even close to what people think it is


I painfully relate to the desert warrior review.
That thing is a pain to play with its extremely weak post-pen damage and slow speed. Not to mention the abysmal stock grind.

You’ll think that at least it’ll perform well in a desert environment, given it’s name, but with its poor depression you’ll just get poped easier than you can climb a hill (you can’t even do that well).

I’ve just given up and taken the MTTD instead of this “desert shitter”

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yeah it is not OP but has good kit that makes it look way stronger then it is when played correctly (but it is not weak by any mean either).
As they say: Its not the tank, its the player :D

1000%. Its just a shame Scimitar was modelled so badly as it really ought to have been a fox that’s better on rough ground when it would still struggle at 6.3 in its current state

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In the Dev server the Scimitar had Thermals and I thought that would be one of the advantages over the Fox, so you could choose between speed and acceleration or better sights and agility