Britain SPAA Voids - what could be added?

I would like to see:

  • The Challenger Marksman at 8.7 (same as the ItPsv Leopard 2 Marksman).
  • Then replace the Chieftain with the Vickers mk.3 Marksman at 8.3 to make it closer to the mobility of the Gepard. (maybe if you removed the APDS belts from that, you could make it an 8.0).
  • The Chieftain could then get the Sabre turret and stay as an alternate 8.3, alongside the ZA-35.
  • The Falcon could lose its APDS belts and get booted way down to 6.7 (with just 53mm pen, it’s less than a lot of the 20mm SPAA at 6.0-6.3 get).
  • And we could get the FV721 Fox AA with a 20mm at ~7.3 to go with the other Fox.
    (That said, if the Fox is unstabilised, it should go down to ~5.7, below the R3).

Gaijin promised to change this APDS projectile penetration.
(warrior, fox, scimitar, Falcon, Amx-30 S DCA are use the same APDS)
It should be like 2A72 APDS ±7mm pen.
in that case Falcon easily can be 7.7 or even 7.3))

That would make the Raden nearly useless, most of the reason it is worth using is because of the could APDS spall and pen with the slower rate of fire balancing it out


Rheinmetall once made APFSDS for RARDEN 30mm gun.
But very unlikely to it be added on current RARDEN carriers.

Only Warrior OES officialy test this projectile

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we rly need something for high tier. with the addition of better aircraft in each patch and more armament solutions for them the adats its starting to rly struggle.

We need a Fox with 1500hp T80 engine (so 5dB loud), Gen 4 Thermals, 500mm armour, every APS ever made, 200mm think armour, 30hp/t power to weight ratio. And Raden with 1000mm of pen APFSDS, SAPHE with 500mm of pen and 600g of tnt equivalent, rate of fire of 200 rounds per second


Never heard that before, what’s the source?
All I could find was an entry on Wikipedia for the 2A72 APDS saying 25mm @ 60° @ 1500m. The RARDEN in game @ 60° & 1500m is 20mm.

The ballistics of the RARDEN in game are weird, it seems to drop off far quicker than any other round which seems suspect. Compared to the other rounds in the game from 25 to 35mm, it perhaps could be a fractionally lower pen at point blank but retain velocity/penetration better…
But honestly, it seems more likely that the Russian 30mm is just under-performing a bit.

I mean at 0° and 0m
Yes, RARDEN has more loss of speed

No, the RARDEN don’t use pen formula like other projectile.

Thats caused for the fact that the RARDEN doesnt use the same calculator or formula, (no idea as to what they use)as the other 25/30mm apds, the old pen for the 25mm apds shares similar penetration drop as the 30mm RARDEN, the russian 30 mm was around 100 but it was technically labeled as HVAP, but it does seem to have similar penetration, keep in mind that this change has been delayed for already 5 years.

Just for reference this is the stats of the apds 6 years ago before the changes on the 25 and russian 30mm.

I think the Falcon should be at Br 7.3 but without the APDS. The UK needs a functional SPAA between 5.7 and 8.3, and that gap can be filled by the Falcon, without the APDS, functioning as what it is, a SPAA.

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I agree or we get the ZA 35 IFT

It would also be a solution, but I would prefer to lower the Falcon, since the UK has three SPAAs in Br 8.3.

I personally think it should be the Marksman, as it has poor mobility, far apart cannons and not many else has a radar SPAA at 7.3 or 7.7. The Marksman should have its APDS removed and it should be lowered to 7.7, the Falcon needs APDS to be somewhat viable because it doesn’t have mobility to count on like the ZA 35

Keep in mind that the Marskman has a modern radar, which I imagine if it has been modeled well in the game should be quite accurate, apart from that it is a much more modern weapons system than the Falcon, so it is realistic to carry the APDS. The Marskmann could not be put in Br 7.7 because of its radar, and I only dreamed I could put it in that Br nerfing its radar in an exaggerated way, on the other hand the Falcon does not have radar, it has cannons with good rate of fire and bullet velocity and a reasonable amount of ammunition, it is simply perfect to fill the gap of Br 7.0 or 7.3, for example I am using it exclusively as a SPAA and it works reasonably well in 8.3, so in Br 7.3 and without the APDS it would be a very competent SPAA.

Then the ZA 35 IFT because I at least want something that can move within 10 seconds not 10 years

Agreed. I’m stuck using fox and scimitar as the SPAA of that BR area it works out as the turret rotation is good. But they are getting nerfed really hard so I now how zero options

I use the Bosvark but high fire rate and low ammo are annoying as hell and the Skink can’t fire fast enough with little rounds aswell

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I love the ystervark as it’s fast and ratty but it’s not super viable facing early russian jets like the SU9. My anti-CAS fighter also can’t keep up as it’s a mk24 spitfire

One of the things I love about it is the round velocity

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I also used it in the Br 7.7 and 8.0. It’s not a bad SPAA, it does quite a bit of damage with the 23mm cannons and its bullet velocity isn’t bad, the bad thing is that it limits the ammunition capacity per cannon, something that you can mitigate using the ammunition boxes, the reload time, the fact that the cockpit bothers you a lot when shooting and the almost non-existent armor.