Britain Air Forces

Skyflash 6000, AIM-9L, and a much better radar at the same Br?

What do you mean by that?

Skyflash 6000 is the series name for SuperTEMP (What the F.3 and ADV already have). The F.3/ADV also already have AIM-9L and the best radar (pre CSP etc). The Saudi ADV does not have anything improved over the British F.3.


Mate, I am not gaijin, neither am I stona, who posted that Q&A. I don’t make the rules or the balancing decisions. If gaijins data claims the Spey Phantoms are equal to the F-4J, F-4S, Tornado ADV/F.3, etc, then we can’t do anything about it

Yeah no, it would be literally identical to the F.3 ingame. And the Skyflash Series 6000 was another name for the SuperTEMP.

So not a new plane but maybe a skin i guess

Or could be a premium version, we have got premium 11.3s and we havent had any in a while

I’d make it a Premium personally.

Hey, it’d beat the F-4J(UK) which people disaffectionately call the “F-4JUNK”.


No I’m not saying the Saudi version specifically. Just the normal F.3
Besides none of the Phantoms should’ve been premiums.
The F-4EJ is the worst, AIM-7E-2’s, AIM-9P’s, and a normal pulse radar.
The F-4S is the best Phantom the USA can get with AIM-7M’s and AIM-9H’s (should be Limas), a HMD, and PDV HDN radar.
The Phantom F.3 has the worst aspects of the British tree and American tree: normal Skyflashes (which are the same as the AIM-7E-2 currently), AIM-9G’s (should be Limas), no HMD, Turbojet engines, and 60 flares compared to the 90 the British Phantoms have.

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The F-4EJ ADTW is literally just a reskin of the tech tree F-4EJ. What’s wrong with it being a premium?

Lack of imagination? That’s what premiums should be, just reskins.
Dunno what’s greedy about it either.


They shouldn’t have brought out Top Tier Premiums the second rank 8 was announced.

Why not?

I mean, 70 dollars sure is steep, but it still is competitive with DCS’ offerings
Plus, you can just wait for em to go on sale, 35 bucks is very fair for a high tier vehicle imho

The MiG-21 Lazur-M, MiG-23 ML, Mirage F1C-200, Kfir Canard, J35XS, J-7D and A-6E definitely aren’t shite either, so that only leaves the F-4J(UK), F-104S TAF and F-4EJ ADTW being rather lacking

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The difference is that aircraft are fully integrated in DCS.

But honestly i’d argue that the fun factor offsets some of the realism difference as with 1 premium aircraft, you can grind an entire tree in maybe 6 months if you’re pretty good and not grinding like Russia or the US. So you also gain a lot of variety.

As much as I love the realism, I prefer a Battlefield 3 ‘going hunting’ style game which is closer to war thunder, than a suped-up MFS style game-play that you get with DCS. (Please noone get offended at me for the comparisons)

I’m not sure, i’d only buy them on sales because I can’t justify spending that much on any game, DCS included.

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That’s fair, in the end of the day we are playing a f2p game. With a couple of exceptions you can get at least some variant of every airframe without paying


F-5C got flares to justify being 10.3, no other reason.
Yak-141 got added cause it’s a cool naval jet that went in the naval line while we wait for Mig-29K & Su-33 to end the line; and it got added similar to VB1002, Kikka, etc.

The F-5C is a solid 10.3 without flares
They definitely gave it the flares so it would be more appealing and judging by how poorly the J35A, T-2 Early, Milan seem to have sold in comparison that trick obviously worked wonders. Hell, they didn’t even put a discount on it for this years anniversary sale


No, without flares we see similar vehicles at 9.7 & 10.0.
Milan being one of those, literally just a delta wing F-5C without flares that has a superior engine.