Britain Air Forces

Fair enough. We already have the Harriers for naval strike aircraft.

We had done it to continue the bomber line at higher tiers, although the T.3 and FGR.4 are basically identical in terms of weapons loadout. Basically intended to put something at that rank.

I suppose we could get one in the naval line between the SHAR FA.2 and the F-35B, simply because the GR.9 with Brimstones is going to be absolutely cracked.

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This makes very little sense and I don’t even know where to begin…

It’s a valiant attempt but it doesn’t make much sense.

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Possibly, really does depend on what it gets instead. If its literally a Gr7 with the slightly better engine (and even then I think that is the Gr9A and not the Gr9) then what else is left? Sniper pod and thats about it?

I think I can see the Gr9 being a premium and the Gr9A being the crakced TT one with Brimstones at a notably high BR along with Sniper Pod.

Welp as I found out the Gr.7 could use sniper. The upgraded engine was on the A sub variants. TL;DR the Gr.9 upgrade was general maintenance mostly but the main difference would be the addition of HMD, the change of the rear from composite materials to metal, and probably some other additions and changes. In other news the Gr.9 was tested with Brimstone.

Yep, though for the same reason why I actually think the Gr7 shouldnt have gotten Aim-9M, I dont think the Gr7 should get sniper. They are so similar that they need differences. Aim-9L + TIALD for Gr7 and Aim-9M + HMD + Sniper for the Gr9 would have made for a really nice difference. Then Brimstone + Engine for the Gr9A even higher than the Gr9.

They’ve kinda screwed Britain out of an aircraft by adding 9Ms to the Gr7

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Tried the Squadron Harrier, can’t really say much other than it’s a Harrier, underwhelming and mostly disappointing. It’s largely a skill issue because of TV/VIFF with controller but even if I could TV/VIFF as I wanted I don’t like it.

I think it will be quicker to grind Sweden from rank 4 to get Gripen compared to grinding rank 6 and 7 for Britain. At least for me, Harriers just are not nice or fun to fly. I’m pretty done with the UK TT until we get some decent planes in ranks 6 and 7.

I love Harriers honestly

Its mostly a skill issue but I just feel so slow and sluggish, I like the way the SHar and Harrier 2’s look but thats about it. Its weird because the first game I got 3 kills and just loathed it. Really tricky on a controller too because it resets my camera angle when I use VTOL.

Probably just me being burnt out because i’m hating props at the minute too and my old favourites like the MIg-23MLA have been powercrept by the new top tiers. I keep getting hunted by Yak-3U’s all the damn time in uptiers in my 109.

I never enjoyed Harriers though, definitely require more skill than I posses.

They bleed energy extremely quick in turns but also gain speed almost instantly in straight flight. Four AIM-9L on 10.7 Harrier are crazy good. It can’t win the fight by itself but as a support jet (rat) you can get some nice scores.

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Ill give the rat style a go, see if it yields results. Gonna have to get through rank 7 somehow.


some sneak peaks as to what me, @AVROVULCANXH558, @Headnaught and others are working on now






Centurion Typhoon?

you will see…


Project Centurion upgraded the Typhoon FGR.4 with things like meteor and Brimstone 2.

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Ah thanks


Gr.3A is 12.3? With ASRAAM yeah but with just AIM-9L I would say 11.0.

its most likely gonna have ASRAAM no point in having it at 11.0 when the GR.1A is 10.3

Did anyone here also notice gajin makes a mistake with the Napier Sabre engines on the typhoons and tempest?
The first tempest has a IIa with less power than the 1b which has a II (the designations need to be switched here)
Also the Tempest mk V should have a IIb while in game it says II but it has more takeoff power than the Mk 1b/late which also (wrongly) has the II
mk 1a
mk 1b/late


Another commonwealth (Canadian) jet to add: