Britain Air Forces

I’d genuinely love the Buc S2B or a later Jag. In SB mud movers are actually quite good fun. But the ones we’ve got all have… Something… That just makes them unfun


In terms of effectiveness, the Gripen would be much more effective and competitive than the FA.2, which would be the ideal.

Gaijin did say that Sweden will get the Gripen C early next year, so the only probable difference between it and the A is the AMRAAM.

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i know and don’t car give me my plan please

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be added, but the majority of players will be more than happy to recieve them on the gripen than on the FA.2. FA.2 can and will be added and depending on the BR can be a fun machine, just not meta.

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I mean at this point just play Sweden if you prefer other vehicles over indigenous ones. SAAF Gripen C serves a role of 12.3 stop-gap until better platforms come to the game and if we were to go along with AIM-120 addition to it we might aswell push it higher and higher every patch until it gets IRIS-T and Meteor that it never carried.

Fair. I wonder what they will do then. Give UK and Japan’s F-15J and JAS39C AMRAAMs and move them up? Will AMRAAM even be a big enough upgrade to justify a higher BR?

Completely fair, but nonetheless the player base will start the whole “britain suffers” once again because we’re getting behind again in top tier. AMRAAM on the gripen would make things easier for us to hang until typhoon is added, which i’m guessing is probably in the end of next year.

I would say so, currently we are already in need of a higher BR ceiling anyways.

I want Buccaneer S.2B waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Trust me I do too, I don’t want to CAS with the heap of junk that is the Jaguar (although she is beautiful)

Yeah it would be nice to have any reliable CAS between 9.3-11.7

But… but… GR3A…Bigger engine… HMD… she’d be a fun 10.7/11.0

(or do you mean the Jags we already have)

Does the .3A get a better RWR than the ARI 18223? I’m just heartbroken from how it’s now a quadrant RWR instead of a direct RWR. Launch warning is nice though.

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i mean the ones we already have. the GR.1 is just a sad sad plane, and the GR.1A whilst it does have LGBs and Flares it doesnt have the performance. Not to mention it sees radar guided SPAA which is a pain in the arse to deal with.

I don’t think the GR.3/3A would actually fix this, the root of my problems comes from the airframe, or lack of suitability.

I have no idea I’m afraid

GR.1A/B should possibly have ARI 18228 and and GR.3 should definitely have it

Various things I’ve seen sold online suggest 18228/13PD for GR.1A/B from around the Gulf War, and 18228/15 for GR.3A.


At least I’m safe in the knowledge that the Gr.3A uses the 228.

To be honest, we’ve been focused on Bug reporting Tornado and Harrier, that the Jaguar and probably Buccaneer have fallen to the wayside. Perhaps it’s time to revisit these since some of you have manuals for them now?

Speak for yourself haha, I’ve never stopped. Plenty of GR.3 reports in and the Jag’s have their own reports too.



One more for your pile then, regarding the GR.1A RWR 😁