Boeing F-15EX Eagle II - Sharpening the Bald Eagle's Talons

I think you’re wrong there. Especially given they should add variants of the F-15C and F-15E with AESA, AIM-9X and 120Cs at minimum, but even those are compatible with 120Ds and 260s

AIM-120D and 260 have no-escape ranges for non-stealth aircraft.
So it’ll be better to add them with stealth aircraft that never face non-stealth aircraft. AKA later F-35.

As far as i know the AIM-260’s production rate should be larger than the AIM-120’s by 2028 or smth like that. I think it will be standardized for all new platforms but you might be right. It depends

Now the Su-27SM has 12 missiles can we get the F-15EX:)) LMAO

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Wrong, 12 misiles no, up to 20 misiles according to this pictures of the F-15EX.

So F-15EX is an actual misile mothership.

Up to 20 AIM-120s.

Up to 8 AIM-9Xs.

I don’t SEE any pictures of it carryng AIM-9X on the extra pylons.

But still this monster Will be the perfect count when the EF Typhoon gets added with it’s MBDA METEORs, wich btw has 2xtimes the range of the AIM-120D.


Last pic it is 15C



Nonetheless still i F-15 later varíantes would be a real Missile Mother Ship Carrier Bus 💀

+1, would love to see the F-15ES come with it

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Actually, F15EX has been integrated with the 4 compound pylon, which allows the inner hard point to arm with 4 AARAAMs and belly pylons allow 8

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Not that I am doubting you on this fact, but do you have sources to back this one? Apart from that photo of an F-15C with mockup dual rack pylons and quad rack pylons for the AARAAMs, the number of 12 missiles is official as far as I can see.

Why not M61A2

Only the F-22 and F/A-18E/F use the lighter M61A2 in US military service. The F-15EX still has the M61A1 passed down from the F-15E. I don’t think I have heard of an F-15E or F-15EX being fitted with the M61A2 via field modification.

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So this thing will have the highest TW:R of any aircraft ingame no?

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As ur name, nostalgistic u r, some guy has posted picture that I demonstrated, it’s not the 90s now.

I must admit that a battle between the F-15ES Silent Eagle and the F-15EX Eagle II would be interesting, on one hand you have very good semi-stealth (like what the Su 57 has worse stealth capabilities than the F-15ES) and on the other you have 16 Fox 3s and maybe a slightly better radar

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Boeing really doesn’t want to make a Silent Eagle X for some reason…

They made in the 2010s when there was little seen threat from Russia and -to an extent-China, the US was enjoying their F22s and others F-15 users didn’t see a need for using it e.g. Israel would find more use with the F-15EX in bombing Hamas, civilians etc. and Japan didn’t need it when the had a better F16 and couldn’t afford to replace their whole F-15 fleet

And yet we could have had the F-15SEX as an actual real product, complete missed opportunity.


This picture has been repeatedly brought up and “debunked” here. It shows an F-15C from the Louisiana Air National Guard’s 159th Fighter Wing demonstrating new prototype/mockup dual— and quad-launchers as part of the Persistent Air Dominance Enabler program. That picture doesn’t mean this is already adopted for the F-15EX in service. Additionally, having dual-launcher racks on the belly necessitated the installation of CFT. These racks on the belly are AMBER (Advanced Missile and Bomb Ejector Rack).

There are talks that the USAF has plans to integrate CFTs with AMBER racks on the F-15EX, potentially increasing the total to 16 missiles. I do believe the F-15EX would be able to field 16 air-to-air missiles at some point in the future.

I will not deny that F-15EX will be integrated with further capabilities to field 22 of these potent missiles. I am simply saying there is no existing picture or video of the F-15EX demonstrating its utilization of AMBER racks and quad-rack launchers in flight yet.

We have the latest official picture of the F-15EX with its full, normal A2A configuration. As shown, it can carry a total of 12 missiles. Here:

The F-15EX entered operational service in July 2024, which was pretty recent. Only a small number of units are produced. We need to wait a little more time for the F-15EX to phase out from Initial Operational Capability and enter Full Operational Capability so that more information about its weapons, such as fielding 16-22 missiles, may eventually surface.