Battle Pass Vehicles: SB2C-5 (Thailand)

They are doing a great job of killing the product they want to sell so it should actually cost less to maintain it.

I’ve not felt any need to donate any Koha (money) to the Snail for BP in a long time. I’m not paying good money for skins I can get off WTLive for free.


ok now this is the worst BP in the games history


Japan has plenty of domestic designs for this BR/time frame. Why oh why are you introducing things like American C&P for WW2 BR’s!?

I guess the GDR T-34-85’s and IS-2’s will be soon…

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Is this real? Stop this C&P hell.

If you lack Ideas, just be more creative. Like handing out Saburo Sakai’s prem Zero with originial paintjob.


Even if gaijin doesn’t want to go through the effort of modeling unique vehicles for events, there are so many from earlier events that could be reintroduced like the I-301, Jaguar, Yak-3T, KV-220, Lubeck etc. instead of this pointless copypasta. Some of them have disappeared from the marketplace entirely so it’d make sense to bring them back for new events and battle passes




when the UK got the SA tree, I thought nice, loads of new unique vehicles. Yet the SA sub tree was really smoke and mirrors from the Snail. Their dislike for adding truly new, unique vehicles has meant that they have ruined the Swedish, Italian, French and now Japanese trees (in aviation, I don’t play Tanks and Ships but I know they are full of American and Russian Copy Paste too).

This short sighted call means I’ll only play Germany, UK, USA and Russia now. When those trees are spaded out, that will be me done with WT and given I’ve nearly finished them in aviation, that will mean a lot more time to focus on LIFE and other games, not the incessant grind for a reskinned plane or tank I originally researched 5-8 years ago.

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Zrzut ekranu_20250120_151922

Rank II



Rank III it was error

You can do this with a 60 kg bomb dropped by a B7A2 in Air RB.

The B7A2s best loadout is 10 x 60 kg - 9 of them kills every base, i always keep the last one - and a hell of rookies land on the not aaa protected forward airfield.

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After i saw a hell of Thai SB2C-5s used within JP teams in the last week (and i flew it 1 time) my impressions (from a pure Air RB pov):

Another BP plane i won’t touch again - even as it is way better than the US PBM-5 Mariner (which is useless in Air RB) i can not recommend to use it in Air RB if you own the BP B7A2.


  1. The B7A2 (even the TT version) outruns and outclimbs the Helldiver substantially - in other words the B7A2s are the better aircraft.
  2. The Helldiver can’t escape or get out of unfavorable conditions - so whilst u can outclimb enemy fighters like I-185s above 6 km (thx to the very good high alt power) - or outrun 109s at sea level (coming in with a slight dive) in B7A2s - the Helldiver has not such options.
  3. The Helldiver has vs a a B7A2 imho just one advantage: Superior firepower with gun pods. But this doesn’t matter when your enemies are way faster or above 5 km as you won’t be able to bring guns on target.

In other words:

  • Success (scoring and staying alive in order to win and maximize RP income) in this aircraft strongly depends on the quality of the enemies.

  • Every experienced enemy will drain the energy provided by the bomber spawn and outclimb the Helldiver. Getting outclimbed is a death sentence if enemies refuse to turn fight - the plane needs to be played like Bv 155 as lost energy / altitude won’t come back.

  • Turnarounds (like winning 1 vs 4) are almost impossible as the Helldiver can’t create positional advantage due to lack of speed & climb.

  • The current success of JP / Thai Helldivers i see in battles (a lot of non-pilots score 3-4 kills per match) is based on multiple head-ons and/or just clueless enemy bomber & fighter pilots.

  • Whilst the B7A2 excels in full uptiers and struggles fighting much more nimble enemies in full downtiers - the Helldiver faces a serious performance disadvantage in full uptiers and is unable to survive in full downtiers due to the lack of speed and climb.

I would even claim that the Helldiver was mainly implemented to decrease JP win rates in Air RB.


Maybe they’ll finally lower the BR once German mains get their hands on it


I should try, but I don’t have your accuracy skill ;)

call it the Battle PASS the way everyone be hard passing these lame as copy paste vehicles

Bro - u need zero skill to watch how the game develops from above and see 2 or 3 guys retreating from the center in an Air RB match. All you have to do is to work on your timing to be there when they are landed on their small airfield.

The bomb sight is quite accurate, so instead of strafing guys there with cannons - use a bomb. I admit that it gets tricky with heavy clouds, but if it would be too easy it would make no fun.

Have a good one!

Ah, I misread, your post was about air! For some reason my brain read ground RB.

Yeah I will try that someday, looks like fun :)

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Bombing enemies in Air RB:

This works also on the 5 three bases maps we have in Air RB. As long as all 3 bases are not destroyed everybody feels safe at his airfield as nobody expects bombs there when his bases are not destroyed.

I managed in my last match to track an enemy bomber back to his airfield, estimated his time to repair and aimed for the end of the runway:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

Blind drop from 6,3 km at 6:38 - bullseye hit at 07:07.

Extremely satisfying as this guy tried to shoot me down earlier.

But this match also confirmed the inferiority of the 3 Thai Helldivers - all 3 died early, 1 got a base and died; the other 2 died without any impact.

Have a good one!

Lol, a lot of words for plane that is clearly suited for Ground battles.

Tell this gaijin:

So they try to sell it as suited for air battles.

And that’s why i limited my review to Air RB only, pointed out why this aircraft is inferior to the B7A2 and why it is not a benefit for the JP TT if you already own the BP B7A2 and want to use the Thai Hellcat in Air RB:

I mean you are a tanker, so i have a certain lecel of understanding for stuff like this:

But you might be aware of that killing an enemy aircraft with an aircraft is way more complex than your 2 dimensional ground game play tank vs tank - and there are no rocks to hide in Air RB. And I wrote this with more battles in the BP B7A2 than you have in total.

And that is the main problem of BP aircraft:

There are no “free” level 50 aircraft in the last BP rounds which even try to pretend that pure Air AB or RB players might be relevant for gaijin. Besides the rare exception the of the B7A2 the last aircraft without A2G capabilities was the Bv 155 - ages ago.

The more aircraft which are more suited for Ground RB are provided by gaijin, the more pure tanker guys pop up in Air RB for farming rounds. Just imagine experienced pilots would flock into Ground RB and kill all of the tankers trying to use aircraft to kill more or less helpless tanks - you would not really be happy too.