Battle Pass Vehicles: SB2C-5 (Thailand)

I don’t know who is in charge of selecting the vehicles for the battle passes, but they don’t do their job well. They should select more interesting vehicles that motivate people to buy. By adding things like this, they lose money.


As soon as I learned from the leak that the plane BP reward is gonna be a “copy-paste American dive bomber in other nations”, I can already guess which plane it’s gonna be.
That’s some of the most redundant and unnecessary copy-paste I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even a good vehicle to copy-paste to begin with.


wdym they are cutting cost and maximizing profits


When they do that, people complain about unique vehicles being locked away.

This is the best approach for the BP’s, neat vehicles, but not something you’re missing out on too much if you don’t want the BP.


Im guessing you’re new here. Battle passes used to have 4 vehicles in the BP and they used to be pretty unique and fun.


Why guess? No, I’m talking about the current BP format.

At least they could make it 4 copy pastes. And make them good vehicles. And 2 of them rank 4.


Does it have any differences from other Helldivers already represented in the game?



I’m afraid there isn’t any. This is 100% identical to the French Helldivers in that it lacked the naval mine payload, which made it overall worse.


They could add a way for old BP vehicles to be obtained, like trading the top vehicle reward for a token that you can use to get any previous non-market BP vehicle

Instead they just reduce the number of vehicles and increase the amount of copy pasta


So on the 12th battlepass Japan got the B7A2 (Homare 23).

And now, 4 or so seasons later, they are getting a completely copy paste vehicle, also a dive bomber, at the exact same BR.

Not only is it not original, it performs the same role as another plane from another battlepass on the exact same tech tree.


No no no no. I don’t believe it…

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They have been addimg loot crates that give you a previous BP vehicle. The issue is that if you already have the vehicles in the crate they just gove you an alarmingly small amount of SL and a GE wager that no one uses.

Id be ok with it if theyd either give ebough GE to refund that missing vehicles worth completely, or let you choose a premium you dont have already instead.

I dont think a bit of SL and a GE wager ill never use is a proper substitute for a premium vehicle, even if its rank 2.


Nice one, I am keeping this.

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Another B7a for the collection but this time it’s American and French / Thai

Whoever made this decision to put this in battle pass had to have been smoking weed.

I mean, hey, now I have a low tier Japan Air grinder I guess?


I think what bothers me about the copy and paste isn’t that it’s C&P, it’s that it’s becoming more so much more common. Like a few shared vehicles is all well and good if they fit, hell I’d even be fine with a lot. Like how so many countries have leopards at this point. But if you’re going to do that then make sure that theirs more unique stuff to outweigh the not unique, and that’s it’s spread out. Like the M44, that feels like it constituted most of the update for ground this past update. Feels like if you’re gonna copy paste 1 vehicle to 6 tech trees at least also give each tree something unique to go with it.

Just saying, the C&P wouldn’t be as painful if it wasn’t for the lack of unique stuff alongside it.


100% agree. I’m not completely against C+P, and I support it in quite a few cases, but this is ridiculous.

Gaijin wants to add a Thai plane? Okay, then do the A-37B! It’s not a Thai design but it’s not something already in the game (3 times in the case of the SB2C). This is especially bad when half the Thai tree is already copy-paste. It’s a shame. I hope they listen to our complaints but I’m not optimistic.


I don’t expect any major changes. I just hold out hope for small things like new low rank stuff that’ll be fun to play and eventually picking up an excelsior or T18 lol.

But yeah, it’s a shame when theirs options that would fit better or just be more unique. And again, if it’s gonna be copy paste at least make sure something unique is added alongside it.

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