Battle Pass Vehicles: M46 Patton (France)

What a terrible looking battlepass. Remember when we used to get vehicles like…




and this…



Granted, even in the early days they often couldn’t help but put vehicles that differed little from the tech-tree variants (apart from some largely cosmetic differences), such as…



But the M46 is just a snooze fest in general. Especially when you’ve already added Battlepass vehicles for France, such as the EBR (1963) and AMX-50. In fact, at 7.0, the M46 sits at a BR where you simply wouldn’t bother using it to begin with. Simple put, I’m not even mad at taking an existing vehicle and adding it to another nation. I’m mad that America has designed possibly the most boring tanks in history with the Patton series of tanks. And to top it off, Gaijin haven’t even tried to make it an interesting one (like those ones that strap a butt load of hydra rockets to it, or China’s ERA to the max job in the CM-11).


And again, many, many people complained about having “good” vehicles “locked behind a paywall”.

Be careful what you/we wish for, things are not simply black or white. There will always be a percent of the crowd who is dissatisfied.

I am not taking sides here, but the amount of hyperbole (from all sides of this debate) is nauseating. Not calling you or anyone in particular out, your post is one of the few without profanities. All the other negativity I see on the forums isn’t going to help anyone.

It is always going to be a compromise in the end. We need to try and agree as much as possible on a middle solution. Because the loudest complainers got what they wanted last time: “no good vehicles behind a paywall”. No one should be surprised at the result.

This is one reason why I try and consistently leave positive feedback when I see things happening that I like. I don’t want the loudest most obnoxious complainers and posters to be the only ones giving feedback. That is how we end up in a situation like this. Also why I leave likes on positive or at least constructive posts, even if I disagree with the “side” of the argument they are on. Every like that is added to a negative or profane post only hurts us collectively.


You always will have the cries from the freeloaders. They’re under the assumption that War Thunder is free. I’ve paid for the 2500GE every battlepass bar one (had to miss during final year of degree). If anything, they should be prioritising people like myself who are willing to spend money for the Battlepass. Gaijin is a business at the end of the day, no middle ground needed for those not willing to put up. Hey, maybe we can give them something to really cry about when they shout ‘wahh pay to win’.

Simply put: If Gaijin wants me to partake in the Battlepass - they need to make it worthwhile, or they will not only miss out on my GE, but they will miss out on me playing modes like Naval that are struggling for players (You can argue that Battlepass is keeping naval alive in many aspects with the naval challenges).


There should no zero vehicles that should be in the TT that are locked behind a pawall in a BP. France lost out on all opportunities to get EBRs (except the overtiered TT one) because of events like that.

Under no circumstances should that happen, because paywalling vehicles that a TT needs should never be done.

What a terrible take. Gaijin needs to prioritize all players rather than the whales.


Do you have premium time?

I decided to buy some for the first time in December.

To expand on my stance, I think BP vehicles work best as something that is unique, but not necessarily needed. The Churchill crocodile, and the He-177 are good examples of them in my opinion.


Awesome 👍

I honestly think it is time for there to be votes that are only open to those with premium time. Maybe even 90-180+ days, so that people can’t just buy a day’s worth to skew an important vote. If we want an “easy”/direct way to allow the company to make money, while still keeping things like the Battle Passes and/or Events worthwhile, then imo Premium Time is one of the best ways to do it. The money is consistent, and incentivizes the players to keep playing the game.

If we all want this game to continue onward, keep the servers well maintained etc, then the company has to make money. Especially as we get closer towards a time when there really aren’t many/any vehicles left to add that people can purchase.

This is a FTP game, but nothing is actually free. If you are not paying for a product then you are the product. I do not disagree with those who take issue with the Battle Passes or Events, however, I DO take strong issue when the people complaining put $0 into the game, especially with something relatively reasonable like Premium Time (especially its price when on sale.)

I have seen many people who are “proud” that they contribute no money into the game, but feel like they should be able to complain and make demands loudly and often with profanity. I am getting pretty sick of it actually. Most other projects/companies and games have a “supporters” chat/site/area where those who support the effort the most are the ones who get a bigger say in how the project is run. I think it is high time that Gaijin does the same for War Thunder.

Yes, I like the Premium Time because it speeds things up, gives more SL’s, but I also buy it to support the company that makes and maintains the game I enjoy playing.


Seriously? What idiot thought of a French battle pass? Even a Israeli battle pass would’ve been much much better.

Nah, pay up or shut up. It’s simple. I have that EBR, I never even use it, btw. You get one free vehicle per battlepass, those of us that pay get the lions share. This is fine.

Players are (and should be) allowed to voice their complaints and talk about issues no matter how much they play.


You can voice it, but money talks. It’s not the freeloaders that will do Gaijin in if they keep making disinteresting battlepasses. It’s those of us who have been paying. If everything in the battlepass is free, they’ll make it even worse because there is just no incentive. Gaijin hate giving things away for free as it is.


And just to clarify - I’m okay with vehicles like the EBR and PT-76-57 being added in ways that are available for all. My favourite battlepass vehicles are those that are quirky and unique, but will not put a player at a disadvantage if they’re missing the vehicle. An example of this is the M6A2E1. I love using it, but if you’re someone who has a T-26E5 or T34, you’ll be fine with out it. I don’t even have an issue with the current battlepasses plane with radio control bombs that are quite hopeless to use. It’s unique and quirky. What I do have a big issue with is lazy copy and pastes with some cosmetic differences. France didn’t even need a line-up filler at that BR, and no one should be advocating for players to be sticking around 7.0 in the French tree. You make a beeline for 7.7. So its utility is only short-term for those only beginning the French tree, and there is no real long-term benefit from the vehicle due to the vehicle itself being of no interest to use and lacking character in general. Now if they gave me an M46 with some rockets that were quite hopeless to aim, I wouldn’t be saying anything. That’s some wackiness I can live with.

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Lol this is also copying, and especially the PT-76 which has one gun against two on 7.0 (8.0 with an interesting HE shell). I understand you want to spend $70 on a beautiful picture, but this is not a movie, but still a game and in this regard a familiar clone is better than a clone that became 8.3. P.s. The PT-76 would be partially unique if there was an ATOM armored personnel carrier in its place.

What are you even trying to say? PT-76/57 is way better than the ZSU with the same gun. Highly mobile, good gun handling, fully stabilized, laser rangefinder, it is an absolute beast - and anyone who missed out on it should be quite sad. It’s quite OP at 8.3 and a wonderful vehicle to play. My point was, that I don’t care if the vehicle is meta or OP - keep adding wonky average vehicles for all I care. But at least make it interesting. Your familiar M46 is still just a boring-ass M46 with no character. It’s even worse than the Centurion 5/1, because at least that is a strong tank for what it is. Anyway, feel free to further clarify about what you’re trying to say about one of the best tanks in the game (PT-76/57).

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AH-56 Cheyenne, Republic XF-84H, Soviet DD Engels with 305 mm Recoilless Rifle, Bob Semple, Vespa 150 TAP, Lun class (Ekranoplan), Russian Monitor Novgorod (circular warship), 2a3 Kondensator 2P, 2b1 Oka i think the direction I’m going to is clear ;-)

Edit: forgot: Karl-Gerät would also be funny af

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Update, turns out this COULD BE a reference to a historical tiger stripe camo… Used by US Army tanks in Korea, during the spring of 1951, as a psyop:


Which of course explains why it’s a camo for the FRENCH M46, that was only used briefly for M47 transition training and never saw combat or even real operations. And I’m pretty sure no US tanks in Korea were called “Legionnaire.” Still, 10% less bad I suppose.


this bp somehow got worse for me, i thought this was a vietnam (1st one) war camo??? so not only is this bp complete slop, the camo for the MAIN prize is fiction? man this sucks so much its incredible


French only had M5 Stuarts and M24s in Vietnam, until that war ended in 1954. A few M46s were briefly used by the French for a few months in 1954 as conversion trainers until their actual new tanks, M47s, arrived.

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