Battle Pass Vehicles: M46 Patton (France)

This is beyond pathetic, just a really lazy battlepass with full copy paste. But hey, at least I can easily skip this one without having any regrets.


Agree, to any mods reading this, please forward our frustration to the devs. Silence is not the way to go.


It may be copy paste. But at least it’s a good tank this time. I really like the M46. Still, I’m not spending almost 20 dollars on two vehicles I already have


I agree that 100% unique vehicles shouldn’t be locked behind BP and all that, but that doesn’t mean there should only be literal reskins (copy paste)

There is a place for vehicles with modifications that change how it plays in some way. For example an existing hull, existing armament, but mixed up.

Take Centurion MK2 for instance, it’s in essence a MK3 but with the 17 pounder of the MK1. Different gun and different BR changes up how it plays, making it an actually interesting addition. At the same time regular players don’t miss out on a unique hull or armament, since those already exist on other vehicles.

It’s the model BP vehicle in my mind.


I mean, paint jobs fun. And it slips into my Ground Arcade 7.0 lineup really nicely. But the fact that it’s just a recolored M46 from the american lineup and not a unique french vehicle of any sort is disappointing.

I’m disappointed that I want it but that I wish it was basically anything else and don’t want it.

Seriously though, just, why so much repeats, accurate or no it really does feel copied when theirs unique stuff still out there. I know it’s all about money for them at the end of the day but is it really so much more difficult to throw some prototypes in more often? And not just in the battlepass, just in general.

I’m going to be frank, I’m with those gald its “C&P” as it leaves the unique stuff for the TT, instead of locking them behind a time limit paywall with a grind(and a sure fire way to earn burnout).

Tho my thoughts are it would have made more sense to have the time limit one be Belgian and have the French one be TT. But if this mean we are more likely to see the Belgian one as TT I’m glad as I don’t have to earn burnout for BeNeLux stuff. But I still think it made more sense being the other way around.

hey guys, i don’t think copy paste is the problem , like, in the future,100% we will get more copy paste vehicles and it already happening right now so yeh,you know,get used to it
M46 for france is good and it can go with the 6.7 france line up

Why not add the M24 Revalorise as BP vehicle instead? People actually want this, and it could be easily modeled with in-game hull turret and gun already existing


Yes, that’s the 90mm from AML-90


I mean, yeah theirs gonna be copy paste stuff, but it feels like they keep ignoring unique vehicles for the copy paste. And the fact that so far 2 out of 3 in the battle pass are copy and paste is disappointing. Like, I don’t think unique should be exclusive to tech tree or battle pass or events, should be spread out. But theirs just so much of the copy and paste right now that it feels galling.


Oooh, funky little tank, yes please.

That’s not the point, the point is that France has a terrible tech tree meanwhile also having a lot of potential with many great and unique vehicles left to be added.

Adding a foreing copy and paste is just deeply lame and just shows that the devs don’t give a damn about that tree.

And for those saying that it’s fine that unique vehicles aren’t locked behind a BP because they will come in the TT, seriously ? It’s been ages since France hasn’t received a good or intersting vehicle


Issue is the Mk 2 is needed to play the latter half UK 6.0 range Yes the vehicle it’s made of already was in the game, however it was sorely needed to fill a gap in the UK tree. And now it’s an event leaving that critical gap open still.

So to me the Cent Mk 2 is an example of a bad BP prize. As it lacks of being researchable is felt.

A good PB prize as I said is either C&P or even better yet Gimmick vehicles which I think are the perfect BP rewards, so thinks like the Churchill Crocodile, where the the codes based on it’s already in the TT and it has a gimmick the not completely useless but you aren’t missing out on anything if you don’t have it.


I am because FOMO and the other Rewards like Boosters /SL are Kinda ok.

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It’s titled “The Last Legionnaire”, which is funny because:

–the profile pic is of a French Legion pioneer, who are primarily famous for always being the “FIRST legionnaire”, as they only come out for parades and march at the head of the column, and that is literally the whole point of them, to be the first and ceremonially “clear the way”; and

–the top prize (M46) was never used by the Legion. In fact, it was never used by the French except for conversion training until their M47s arrived a little while later, that was their actual operational tank.

shrug emote


I only hope the WB shop will have something fun…

Id rather a unique vehicle get actually added to the game but added through the Battlepass than never added at all as Gaijin hates unique TT additions these days.


And the only Skyraider was unique and worth it

Still copy pasta, same plane, diferent armament

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Woo! Another battlepass to not waste my time on.

That’s 3 in a row now.

What ever happened to the rank V or VI vehicles?