BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Bit of Shar in 4k;



is the gun sight reported or did it not have it

It had full A2A guns yes, I’ll report the lack of Lead/Lag.



Yep, and as a psuedo fuel dump for VTOL landing before a carrier as well

What’s the cockpit/HUD like? Gr3 HuD or does it have its own?

Cockpit is its own


That’s a really nice cockpit

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GR3 HUD right now, report is in for the actual HUD.

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Any reports on the fuel tanks


did this get the martel missile or anything we could try and get added? if its not gonna be a fighter may as well get some things that are worth the strike aircraft tag… also god amn that thing looks great, cant wait to fly it in sim.

Only Sea Eagle. Other than that its all dumb bombs and rockets.

Priority 1 is getting the FA.2 (and FRS.1) its proper hud.

After the dev’s stating that the FRS.1 cockpit took so long because they had more data on the FA.2, they really dont have an excuse for not adding the correct HUD to the FA.2 on live at least.

Imagine making a song & dance about adding the AMRAAM, but adding a jet thats hud cant tell you schitt because the devs are too lazy to add the correct one.

Next would be Sea Eagle addition.

After @Morvran converted me to Sim in the FRS.1, i realllllllly want to do some proper anti-shipping.
Enduring Confrontation - Denmark - Locate and destroy the enemy carrier…would be really fun with a pair of Sea Eagles.


would be great and all but trying to kill the carrier with anti ship missiles is nigh impossible. they simply hit the deck and do no damage half the time. shame really, i really like anti ship duties in sim. tried it in my sword fish just to realise they use the same ship aa ai for 1.0 as 12.7 lol. me and my budy got destroyed about 6km out…

Yeah, FRS1 is going to be incredible with it’s actual HUD

So we don’t have a radar gun sight as of now
And we have this



looks like i did it myself, looks about right.

Didn’t I read somewhere that the AIM-120 was compatible with the twin rails on the Shar?

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Does have a “unique” radar scope which is nice, but even on dev taking a 10.3-worthy loadout (2 guns, 2 9Ls) into 12.3 MM is painful.

Edit: oh is it turning too well? I’ve hit 12G a few times which feels more like Harrier II performance than Harrier I

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