BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Gravity is a measure of acceleration.

1G = 9.81ms^2

Also can we use this as info to get AAMs on the inboard pylons

Ok but would also work to the Gs when turning?

Ever heard of term lateral acceleration?


doubt it, if it is a bodge like Gunjob suspects then it won’t be able to mount on both pylons at once

Aww, I was hoping we could get the SHar a bit better

Trying to make this simple.

When you’re turning at speed, the centrifugal forces are trying to throw the aircraft out away from the centre of the turn, these forces felt are in relation to the gravitational constant, which is a rate of acceleration.

That I know, but thanks for telling me what its called

AAM on inner pylon

That’s on the outer pylon.

There’s a drop tank on the inner.

looks like the Carrier deck training area at Culdrose, they still use some old sea harriers for training if I remember correctly (or at least did up until recently as they still had a few outside when I was there back in february)

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It’s on the outer pylon. You can see the drop tank behind it.

Oh, I feal more like an idiot now. Sorry.

So long as the SHAR isnt over BRed to insanity. It should be rather awesome. Even with its more limited payload.

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13.0 Take it or leave it

Probably and the Mig-21 BISON is probably going to be 11.7 with 4x R-77s

I was wondering whether the FA.2 can carry a gunpod + amraam on the belly, is it possible?

I dont think that ever happend, as if it can i have never say anything stating it could.

For me, MiG-21 UPG Bison would be 12.0 BR