BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Community Bug Reporting System small animation issue with the cockpit

correct me if im wrong but from what I remember form pilot accounts the Shar should have a radar gunsight


Ooooohhhh… Now that would be really handy in SB

hell that’d be nifty in ARB too. Adens are a bit… low velocity. so you know, a computer screeching “LEAD MORE PLEASE” would be great


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I’ve read the same but cannot remember where.

In AirRB, I’d assume it would work the same as radar SPAA in GFRB, when locked, it provides you with a marker to aim at when in 3rd person.
Not sure what it would display on the HUD.

Sea Harrier of the lake, what is your wisdom


The FA.2 is a capable aircraft and should be the first aircraft to be added with AMRAAMs to test them in game.

In ARB i dont think it ever works. Use to, but was disabled for balance. Both Tornados have radar gunsights. I dont beleive its functional. I think it does work in AAB though. But definetly be handy in ASB. Getting the range right on the 30mm is a bane of my existance in most 30mm aden armed aircraft

I belive its a lag indicator similar to F-4S so you just put the pipper on the traget and fire

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They’ve improved it in Air Realistic a while ago, using it on the F-16 or MiG-29 is very stratifying.

A Radar Gunsight for the Sea Harrier would be amazing but it would most likely be on the FA.2 only.

It’d be a matter of checking the dpcumets if it is a lag sight akin to F-4S i dont see why thr FRS.1 couldnt get it

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So with Gr7 getting 9M, then that should mean FA2 will drop with 9M. That should give it the teeth it needs initially

Not really as it’s just a 9L with a smidge of flare resistance.

Yeah, considering likely no guns in most configs, we are going to be reliant on IR missile for close range engagements. Having IR missiles with IRCCM is going to make a big difference

Do we know if the Phase.1 Variant of the FRS.1 carry 9M’s?

FRS.1e would top out at 9L with the Squad/Late varient FRS.1 topping out with the 9M.

Or at least give the Squad FRS.1 the AIM-9Li

I mean it would ruin it’s BR but I’m pretty sure 9M was introduced with the FA.2.

Yeah, FRS1 being at 10.7 is a sweet spot for it. Limited BVR but you get 9Ls

I dont mind it at 10.7.

Im just getting frustrated with how easy it is to flare a 9L in the rear aspect.

9Li wouldnt ruin the BR?

Yeah, fighting F-5Cs with their freezer like engines flaring the missile like absolutely nothing full afterburner is lowkey annoying. I find it funny how the A-10A engines somehow generate more heat than the ones on the F-5C, and the 9M would indeed fix this issue but in return it would also ruin the BR of the aircraft.