BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

go i would cry if we got that. The one thing we are missing is a decent br’ed fighter with sarh missiles. Its pretty stark going from a minimum of 12.0 for sarh missiles with britain to italy or france where you get some fun around 11.3 and even 8.3 (love my vautour at an actually usable br). I find them alot of fun and find it disappointing that we lack such jets.

I’ve been trying to convince people for quite a while that we could get paper Harriers, many of them would be difficult to add to the game and others people don’t want added. There is one Harrier from the Cold War that has some sort of BVR and it actually existed and used the prototype for the Blue Fox

This would be a good contender.


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I would love the P.1154 but I can’t bring any evidence that it was planned to also use AIM 7E (maybe even E-2)

I can look around and see as well. They actually created the engine of this plane and a mock fuselage too.

I have already done a lot of research on the P.1154 and his brother the HS.1154
I’ll link the suggestions soon

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We love Lx Tavish DeGroot

After the AIM-7E-2/3 the UK used Skyflash rather than later Sparrow versions. The use of pulse doppler illumination was considered for Skyflash, but they concluded that CW illumination was the better option to meet the UK’s requirements.

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Is this during the 70s? I ask cause it reminds me of Active Skyflash

What does PD/CW illumination have to do with Active Skyflash which uses no illumination from the launching aircrafts radar.

Sorry, I don’t know much on radars and how radar technology works besides the most basic stuff and how it reacts with higjly sloped surfaces used on things like the Nighthawk

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So active sky flash doesn’t need Radar illumination?
That would be pretty neat.

No but also has no datalink of any kind. It only has pre-launch target data, after it’s launched its completely on its own.

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I see so it would really have to be launched bit bull basically. As if the target moves to far from the original heading the missiles radar wont be able to see it right?

It would be a similar case with AMRAAM on the AV 8B+. You can’t guide the missile midflight so the missile’s range is artificially shorted because you can’t guarantee that the target won’t move a radical amount of distance away from its original flight path

The AV-8B+ can guide 1 missile it just can not guide multiple at once like Blue Vixen.

I mean when you already have another missile out

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You would be able to launch it only like the standard Skyflash, the only difference would be the fact that after you fire you can do whatever. So it would be 20km launches, as that is seeker range for ARH in game.

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How much would Gaijin increase the BR of the Tornado F.3 if it got ASF?

Most likely 13.0, maybe 12.7. its simply not worth it.