Australian vehicles

nope i just though they were rich since so many low levels buy premuims.

No offense guys, this doesn’t make a full TT
And you have more chances to be tagged along UK

But i do reckon, that i was quite in the wrong.

(Local variant just are normal thing, even F-16 in Israel TT are local variant in the end)

Did I say Australia should be it’s own tree? No.

I was just pointing out you’re wrong about Australia having no unique vehicles.

I agree, Australia has nowhere near enough for an independent ground tree. I even experimented with a Canada+Australia/New Zealand (any tree Australia is in should have New Zealand as well in the ANZAC spirit) but I still felt that was not quite enough (probably better than Israel though lol). I’d like to see Australia added with a line or two in the British tree.

With regard to the:

  • AC E1 (25-Pdr) with the twin mount

Would that be with, or with out an autoloader?


Huh. Never knew that existed. Only blueprints?

I’m pretty sure they can’t fire individually though.

Just plans. If you are only trying to rip the turret off, you don’t need it stuffed with optional add-ons. I can kind of see the thought behind it, if there is less space because there are two guns, then a mechanical loading system might make it easier than having a human loader. But if Germany can have Panzergeschütz Ausf. Napkin, why not Australia? Gaijin have already turned the Hedgehog into a self-destruct system and rocket launcher despite the pile of evidence to the contrary, surely they can make amends somewhere else.

Paulie, decoupling the firing linkages would be just about the most trivial part of that whole system.


Any other unknown AC prototypes?

The temptation here is to say no, but as you don’t know what you don’t know … they remain unknown for now? I’d like to think that there are because then there is something new to learn in the future.

I think you’ve a pretty good handle on them. The only thing I might add is there was some consideration towards fitting the Littlejohn adaptor, which there is a little more weight behind because that is also true of the towed and other 2pdr guns, not that that went anywhere either but this is with-Warthunder-hat-on style thinking.


And the Australias flag still has the Union flag in it so all australian vehicles should be in Britain :)

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And even more importantly we are still a British realm. The king of England is the king of Australia. The king is the head of the Australian Defense Force and assets of the Australian government I.e. Military equipment are property of the crown.

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No one is asking for an aussie or Anzac tree. We only want representation in the British tree as we should be.

There is a lot of uniqe Australian built and usex equipment going back to ww2. We manufactured our own planes, guns, tanks, armoured cars, trucks etc and today we still build our own equipment. We build our own navy, helicopters, combat vehicles still today.

Warthunder is mostly being asked to give us peace of mind that our vehicles are in the British tree where they belong. Precedent already has Australian planes, and naval in the tech trees and premiums in tanks and air. Be consistent, we belong in the British tree more then India.

No you aren’t - you are the Realm of Australia.

see Commonwealth realm - Wikipedia

They are the same person, but King of the United Kingdom and King of Australia are separate titles and separate legal persons.

The King of Australia is “the Crown” in Australia, but not in the UK, and vice versa, and the King of Australia is the head of the Australian armed forces - not the UK ones.


What are you on about. You just said we aren’t a realm then said we are…

And symantics on who the king is and what term. He is the king of Australia, his power and ownership is referred to as the crown because its not gender specific and allows the laws of the land to stay legitimate be it a queen or a king.

Nothing you said makes anything I said wrong or makes it any less relevant.

No, you are not.



Foreign export. T-34, T-28 were captured, same as Pz.IV.

I said you are not a BRITISH realm - you are a COMONWEALTH realm - read the link.

I agree that Australian gear is best in teh UK tree right now.

The King of England is figurehead of even GB. He can’t tell Australia to do anything. He does not have a functional role or authority in the UK military. That’s a non sequitur as far as Gaijin is concerned.
U’r just a Brit’sh main trying to get his hand on an Abrahams. ;)
But I agree Oz deserves its own subtree as much as SA does.