Atom IFV: Russian-French "Heavy Atom"

Weren’t all the prototypes ever seen in Russia though?

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I think it would make a great vehicle for France. Give them something fun to draw people in. If enough people play it, it may even help give the Leclerc the much needed buffs that people have been calling for.

And for those asking “why not Russia”, great question. I ask the same thing for other nations getting the F-86D/K (The Sabre Dog), or the AV-8B, or the P-47D-30, etc. etc. and not the US. And then I realized- its because Gaijin bases vehicle placement for the most part on who needs it, not necessarily who made it. France needs this way more than Russia does-, and absolutely has good claims to it, so it only makes sense to give it to them.

Yes, it sucks. Yes, it isn’t fun. Also? We have to learn to deal with it.

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The only real choice here is Russia, France dropped out and Russia continued the project. Though, I don’t see a problem with a model of some sort for France.

Didn’t Germany drop out of the MBT-70 project? Yet they still get it.

France was involved, I see no problem with them getting it. It makes a ton more sense than the SK-105 drama.

They dropped out of the cooperation with the United States and continued development solo. I think they couldn’t agree on things.

Ah, ok. I still see no problem with France getting it though because they did participate in the project. Had they dropped before anything was made/brought past the drawing board it would be one thing, but it seems as though that is not the case. So.

I’m going to put it bluntly. The people who want to give the Atom to France because France otherwise “lacks options” are completely unaware of the trivial amount of French wheeled IFVs from 8.7+. It’s a pretty redundant option for France. The issue here is not “France should receive the Atom because they currently don’t have IFVs at 9.0+”, the issue is “Gaijin refuses to implement one of the plethora of options available which has lead to France not having IFVs at 9.0+”.

France has been a partner for plenty of projects doesn’t mean it should get the vehicle from all of them. Were the chassis entirely French, I would agree it should also go to France - but it isn’t

I never said France didn’t have other options. I am aware they do.

I specifically said “Because they needed it”, much like they need the other IFVs at 9.0+. This vehicle specifically would be at least a 10.3, probably a 10.7- mainly thanks to speed. That is a place where France somewhat lacks. So they need it. Just as they need the other IFVs and stuff. It is not an “If/or” scenario. It is an “if/and” scenario. They can have both. And, in all honesty, I think it should be a Squadron vehicle. Not TT.

+1 for russia and france

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Does the Atom even have thermals? I can’t see it being 10.3/ 10.7 without thermals. Besides, there shouldn’t be any necessity to have a vehicle of every type at every BR. It’s impossible.

But even then you have something like the AMX 10RC (T40) which could go at 10.7/11.0 with HOT missiles.



Or the Panhard CRAB (ZTM-1) which would function as a much more mobile VBCI-2 (MCT30) and could end up at 10.0/ 10.3.


Panhard CRAB (ZTM-1)


I don’t see any issue either, USSR and France both could benefit from it’s addition, this same exact reasoning can also be applied to other Russian and French projects like the VBL with Kornets
There are quite a few projects they both took part in together.

VBL with Kornets



Would be nice to see in Soviet tt as alternative to premium 2S38

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Yeah, this seems like a cool vehicle. I think, if it were to be added, both France and Russia should get it on the basis that a big reason why this vehicle is so interesting is because it was a project worked in collaboration with the French and Russians, and having it in both trees would be a great way to highlight this.


Then what is the Hunter F.58 doing in the German TT? Or all the lend leases in the Russian TT? There’s no
real reason France shouldn’t get it.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Not only are these a handful of the first several results, you’re also dead wrong on judging by appearance. Neither the btr-90 nor the boomerang have anything resembling that second bump but france does with the vextra. But that’s irrelevant because you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Both countries had major involvement, both should get it. If i was to pick one, france should get it. Ussr already has 2 ifvs with the 57mm autocannon and one of them has the exact same Armament. France only has 2-3 true ifvs, 2 if we’re only counting the new squadron vehicle and the vbci, 3 if we count the amx-10p aa from low tiers. The soviets have 3 in the tt and 3 more premiums, and as previously mentioned, 2 of them have 57mm autocannons and one has the same weapon system.

Ussr doesn’t need it but both deserve it equally

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There are no such machines in the Soviet development tree. One is promotional, the other is premium.

Considering the state of the 2S38, and the fact that this vehicle will most likely go to the USSR tech tree, i’m voting against it. This will be a 2S38 on steroids, mostly because of it’s much better mobility and ammo placement. If it is added to War Thunder, i fear it’ll just get the same treatment as the 2S38 and be under BRed.


+1 for both ussr and france


Does he have all-wheel steering?