Atlas Cheetah C - "Swartkop Sprinter"

+1 Very nice

+1 would be nice to see more of a SA air tree given the gripen in uk tree


12.7 might be a bit too far, but 12.3 would work

5 R darter would be nice at 12.3

Or 3 plus 2 kukris

i think it had the A darter not the R

The post says up to 5 R Darter or up to 2 Kukri (V3).

Cheetah also has a Fire Control Radar and R Darter I believe can be self designating.

There’s also pictures of it with R Darter.

You might be thinking of Cheetah D?

I haven’t seen any mention of the A-Darter being used with the Cheetah. Maybe it was used in testing, but the Cheetah was retired by the time the first A-Darter was launched from a Gripen.

Cheetah definitely had R-Darter, as well as Darter and U-Darter. Despite being named similarly, R-Darter is a completely different missiles (V4) while Darter and U-Darter are from the same family (V3C and V3D respectively). A-Darter (V3E) is the next missile in the V3 line but has been stuck in development.

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+1, would be nice to see this September-October time!

mistake on my part confused the two

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True, I was thinking about the 2 IR and 3 R Darter, but 5 fox3s at 12.3 might be a bit ludicrous

I mean R-Darter is the worst ARH ingame and AIM-120 is the best and the FM and radar are no better than on the ICE so really the most tangible upgrade is the HMS and CMs, but are they a huge factor for it to be above the ICE considering the AIM-120 means you will rarely get to use them at optimum.

However it does fill a role of a great conventional (lacking VTOL or Swingwing) at 12.3 now Gripen is 13.0.

Though I think 12.7 is probably the better BR for it with so many ARH’s, if it could only carry 2 R darter and 2-3 V3S with HMS then it would be perfectly fine at 12.3 with the F-14B.

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We just need a guidance fix to tell if it’s truly good or not. It’s amazing at close range tho.

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Its not that its the worst ARH but the fact it is an ARH will stop gaijin ever putting it below 12.7, only the hopeless cases such as the harriers or J8F get the luxury of being 12.3. The Cheetah airframe can at least stand its ground without losing all its energy in a single turn


Would love to see the Cheetha’s added to Brittan and also some mirages for the 10 -12.0 bracket to have some nice fighters. South African Air tree please to use with my South African ground vics. :)