It is bugged, along with ZA-35, ZSU-37-2, ZSU-23-4, ZSU-23-4M4. I thinks thats all.
Sometimes my gepard and flarakpz radar says its doing a 372 degree scan whatever that means
Another bug, when you track something, and your turret turns clockwise, the degrees are added, sometimes during tracking sometimes after unlocking.
I’ll take the opportunity to share this information I found from the manufacturer:
Search range: 20 km
Search zone: 360x35
Search speed: 40 rpm
TWS: 20 targets
I haven’t checked in game, but I believe the search zone is incorrect (360x16), and the max. range as well. TWS is also missing.
Edit: name, range, and tws was already reported. Vertical scan can be reported, from 16° to 35°
A lot of stuff is missing in order to balance it and since gaijin didnt model AESA
Ooo, don’t mind if I do.
Man, stop hiding such valuable info
I remember seeing this pdf, but I thought it had nothing interesting. Well, if the platform is stabilized (not just sights), you could try reporting the lack of stabilization again.
HADRD 3D incorrect vertical coverage
ASRAD-R should be stabilized
I guess i can also go for LRF
ASRAD-R missing LRF
I should have mentioned that I got this PDF from this page, in the “Weapon system” section. There is more info there.
Yea, i found my way back there.
Well, it seems like two pluses does give a minus.
I dont know how later part mentioning sight is stabilized causes the rest to net be, but whatever.
Just out of curiosity, do you have anything about TRS 2620/2630?
Nevermind, i found something.
Did anyone have any knowledge to the “automatic tracking” of the ASRAD R system? It seemed like there is a ACLOS-ish system where the missile is automatically tracked and guided via by the system itself. The one in game is very sluggish and constantly drifts away requiring constant adjustments by hand. doesn’t seems to perform as well as shown in the live fire demonstration video of ASRAD-R (linked below). The main problem is that the missile refuses to centre itself in the middle of the cursor and lags behind where I was pointing at in sniper mode (usually when CAS are evasive or flying sideways). As shown again in the live firing demo video, the missile seemed to automatically centre itself perfectly in the middle all the way till impact and not “lag” behind even specifically mentioned: “jinking evasive” situation. Can anyone please explain?
@DevilO6 That’s interesting. They share the same values since they are the same system. However, the Ozelot is stabilized in game, while the ASRAD-R is not… even though we have evidence that it should be. 🤔
Idk man, idk. They are indeed the same system tho.
Try to find more information about the TV/IR target tracking machine. The point about the missile centering relative to the target guidance mark is especially important. Another point about the Bolide missile maneuverability is also desirable, perhaps 25G is not the maximum maneuverability but the average one like 18G for Tunguska missiles (32G max). Developers like missile maneuverability graphs with distance, but they are very, very difficult to obtain.
If you already have information and materials on ASRAD, I strongly recommend you create a bug report. Unfortunately, they don’t understand mine.
Russian sources are not accepted for western stuff and vice versa.
200mm of pen???