Hi i was wondering if anyone can answer why Thunderskill claims my war thunder user is deleted? I don’t have a Thunderskill account, but i logged into my war thunder account yesterday and it worked fine, despite having said it was deleted before i logged in. Any idea?
Wonder if it has to do with your weird username that needs to be fixed.
Could be, but katakana should be an accepted alphabet no?
I was messing, it’ll likely be fine.
When did you last check Thunderskill compared to when you got the name changed?
I haven’t really checked thunder skill up till now, and I last changed the username like, 2 years ago about now I think.
Thunderskill has been quite weird. I’d recommend using Statshark, which is pretty much Thunderskill but better. Your profile is also displayed normally there
Okay thanks! Didn’t really know there was a massive difference between the two, it was more of a concern why it was stated as deleted.
It’s under “new management”. Working a bit better but still very quirky.
I feel like statshark is focusing on the wrong metrics, because it has drastically different stat readouts compared to thunderskill.
Almost as if the formula they are using is jaded or biased off the bat.
The raw “skill stat” for statshark is weird, yes. Most notably, they self-admitted to balancing it around jet-tier combat rather than propeller planes. The weighting of winrate over KPS can also lead to very weird results in games like air sim where due to the “Join matches in progress”, you can end up unable to influence win rates significantly.
It has one major boon over thunderskill:
- It distinguishes air and ground - thunderskill can get really thrown off if you do both ARB and GRB -
- It tracks playerkills rather than A.I kills - this can be a pretty significant shift for ASB.
why does it know my exact current lineups…
You need one week of activity for it to update