AMX-A1M "The Modernized FAB Hammer"

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At the beginning of the 21st century, the FAB (Brazilian Air Force) began a plan to update its AMX A-1, unlike the Italian update, the Brazilian modernization was intended to be more extensive, giving the aircraft a lifespan until 2030. The company responsible for the update was EMBRAER, in addition to modernizing the electronic systems, revitalizing the structure and engines (Changes that will be discussed below) Standardized and improved the Air Force logistics chain through the nationalization of equipment since the AMX started to share systems with the F-5M and the A-29 both made and modernized by the same company. The result of this was born in 2012 with the first model.

1st Fuselage


Structural revitalization to increase lifespan for 20 years of operations.

2nd Engine


The engines received maintenance, as the air force is satisfied with the engine, considered robust and reliable.

3rd New Avionics


The dashboard has been completely remodeled and the old analog instruments were replaced by three multifunctional displays similar to those employed by the F-5EM and A-29. There are two 6×8 inch screens and one 5×5 inch screen, in addition to the UFCP (Up-Front Control Panel – upper front control panel) just below the HUD, which has also been replaced. Communication and navigation equipment was also modernized. All of these new cabin elements are third-generation NVG. Integrated into the new DASH 4 HMD helmet.

4th Countermeasures


They have been updated and improved with the original ELT-56X replaced by the new RWR PAWS-2, as well as new signal capture points added to the fuselage. The capacity of flares and chaffs has been increased. Can employ several pods such as the Skyshield for electromagnetic interference.

5th New Radar


Replacement with the new multi-mode radar of Italian-Brazilian origin called SCP-01. It is a compact multimode radar that employs different waveforms (pulses and pulse repetition frequency), antenna search patterns and processing algorithms. The main function is the detection, tracking and measurements of target angles, distances and speeds, with an emphasis on air-to-surface modes (telemetry, air-to-sea search and terrain mapping), and limited air-to-air capability. Approximate maximum range 18 - 20km.

6th Infrared Navigation System


The A-1M incorporated the device into the upper part of the plane’s nose. Information can be projected on the HUD.


7th Armament


In addition to the ability to carry the original version’s weapons, the modernization brought more modern options. Old and new ones will be added below

Air-to-Air Missiles: 2x MAA-1A, 2x MAA-1B, 2x A-Darter.

Air-to-Ground Missile: 2x MAR-1.

Rockets: AVIBRAS SBAT-70/127, AVIBRAS Skyfire 70

Bombs: Mk81, 82 and 83 and their locally produced equivalents BFG 230, 460 and 920.

Retarded bombs: Mk82 Snakeye and its national equivalents BFA-230/1 and BFA-230/2 (parachute).

Guided bombs: Mk82/83 or equivalent with the Elbit Lizard II and III systems directed by the Litening II or III target designator pod and SMKB-82/83 guided by GPS.

Napalm bombs: 8x BINC-300 (explosive mass 236 kg)



Crew: 1

Length: 13,55 m

Wingspan: 9,97 m

Height: 4,55 m

Wing area: 21 m²

Empty weight: 6,731 kg

Gross weight: 10,751 kg

Max takeoff weight: 13,000 kg

Powerplant: 1 x Rolls-Royce Spey 807 turbofan engine, thrust 49,1 kN

Maximum speed: 1130km/h

Ferry range: 3,336 km

Service ceiling: 13,000 m

Rate of climb: 52,1 m/s

Internal armament: Bernardini DEFA MK-163 of 30 mm (DEFA-554) (Ammo 300)

5 external hardpoints and 2 wingtip rails for maximum load up to 3 800 kg



The modernization program ended up not reaching even half of the fleet, but for Brazilian industry the knowledge in the areas of systems integration using digital buses, source code mastery, fly-by-wire controls, landing gear and other fundamental technologies were important for future projects and the FAB acquired an aircraft that was more capable than its original version.



A-1 AMX duplo
A-1M carl brent photo_9999_174286



Mectron SCP-01 Radar – Fine-tuning the modernized AMX aircraft - DefesaNet

Programa AMX: da concepção à modernização - Poder Aéreo – Aviação, Forças Aéreas, Indústria Aeroespacial e de Defesa

Armas Nacionais: Embraer AMX A-1M Falcão

A-1M - Sistemas Ofensivos

Lista de armamentos da Força Aérea Brasileira – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


Brazil Sub-tree under Italy I hope


haven’t we just got this for Italy?

The AMX program had two models, the Italian (in the game) and the Brazilian (this one), in this case this is the version modernized by Brazil


ahh i see

Definitely a +1. The AMX is a great material for both TT CAS or event/premium. However with the new avionics and better weapons, it might have to be placed at a BR where the airframe is no longer adequate.
The significance here is the first potential Brazilian vehicle in war thunder. South America as a whole is very underrepresented in the game.


regarding this section there are some wrong things. the air to ground missile described here were not tested on the brazilian one but on the Italian one. Those are other weapons that were integrated on the a1m.
Lizard III


Thank you, I had some doubts about adding MAR, but with the confirmation that the others have not been tested I will add

One of the last photos taken with his devices

If anyone has any questions about the equipment, just ask for the number


Those tiny bombs(12) definitely look cool, and I wonder what are their puropose, are these training bombs or counterinsurgency munitions?

Just training, the bombs are called BEX-11

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I think this is the customskin from WTLIVE that I am currently using on the AMX

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I Hope for at least air subtree

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@_Villares very rare picture, an A1M launching a MAR1. That should be the ultimate proof to prove that It was integrated and used.


True, but due to the gray camouflage it also applies to the A-1A

Well no the A1A wasn’t integrated with them and only used unguided stuff. Guided weapons were only implemented in the A1M. Probably this picture is from the first live test’s, when the A1 still had the gray camo.

Not necessarily, most of the tests were carried out on the A-1A models, please read this article, it is in Portuguese, but it is possible to translate

Not because it was the original project, but possibly this pod in the center of the aircraft would make this launch possible