Alvis Scorpion S530 - Mobile twin-20mm SPAA

Only twin 20mm. I was thinking the gap at 5.3


I actually had in mind that this would replace the ADATs. I’ve never trusted the canadians

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true true. 8.3 with no APDS belt it is


This is true.

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I wouldn’t give Gaijin any suggestions as they might place it in a folder with the Falcon.

4x SPAAs all at 8.3…

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we have 4 at 10.3 so we need to complete the set at 8.3 too
(yes the stormer AD is 10.0 but it has no lineup and no I don’t count the desert warrior that thing should be lower than the normal one it sucks ass)


Exactly the lack of logic or foresight why they do what they do is staggering.

I make a suggestion for ru community, based on your suggestion, also i mentioned your suggestion. Maybe someone add votes

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Knowing how lazy gaijin is getting lately we will prbably get a Indian shilka instead

Still want this for a nice 7.7 spaa


I’m not entirely sure how the russian forum works, but this got passed to developers over there right?

Yes it is passed.
At ru forum you are given a week for your topic to get 100 votes. Otherwise, it goes to the trash, or if moderator take pity, he can pass it.

Like, once my unpopular topic receive only 29 votes. But it was about rework one text alert. And its got passed. And changed (the problem was, one sensless warning shows on the screen for 1-2 minutes at the start of every battle) they remove it.

But my suggestion about Lancer FMP and TRACER SIKA get only 95 votes and go to trash 🤣.

god i want the lancer and tracer man…

Yes, they will definitely be added.


In USA Tech Tree

Is that a radar or just a hatch? Hard to see on my phone. If it doesn’t have radar could be perfect to fill the 6.0 to 8.0 gap.


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No radar, manually targeted, is basically a baby Falcon.
Turret is from this french SPAAG if you wanted more details on it, AML S530: A Mobile Air Defense Solution


Watch gaijin add it, give it broken ap belt for some reason and put it at 8.3 and then copy past more russian spaa into the uk tree because they “have to fill the gaps”…

Genuinely be a nice 7.7 spaa

+1 a great option to fill in part of the awful spaa gap that the British tree is currently struggling with.