Alvis Scorpion 90

What BR would it be? I am shocked the legendary Scorpion was not included years ago but modern fast vehicles are killing low tier BRs filled with slow WW2 era vehicles.
Sucking the fun out of it.

Based on similar dart slingers already in game this thing will likely be around 8.0-9.0

Sounds good.

If it gets APFSDS then a definite +1 from me!

That link also contained info for the performance of a 76mm HESH which is great! I’ve searched fruitlessly for stats on it.

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That is a primary source too, straight from the manufacturer, if you ever need to bug report XD

Like the other Scorpion that was suggested is the gun stabilized or un-stabilized?

It has stabilized Gunner sights, but i am not sure, so i would assume no. In my head its a direct brit equivalent to the mars 15 MARS 15 - War Thunder Wiki

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+1, shocking this amazing little light tank isn’t in game already. Could anyone elaborate on the “range of additional thermal sights available?” What gen thermals are these? For the gunner only or commander as well? Are they standard or only an optional upgrade at customer request?
I think without thermals this would be great for 8.0, between the IKV 91 and MARS 15. Depending on how good the thermals are it would be a higher BR, perhaps 8.7.

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have a gander

With the British tree’s lack of light tanks, this tank should already be in the game.
Remembering that the Falcon uses the same chassis.


+1 for me in this light tank

The Scorpion does not use the same chassis as the Falcon.

Instead the Falcon uses the chassis of the FV433 Abbot, which is part of the same family as the FV438 Swingfire.

The FV101 Scorpion is part of the same family as the FV102 Striker we have ingame.

The main difference is the size, weight and mobility. If in-game we take the Falcon and compare it to the FV102 Striker, since the Striker is the closest to a Scorpion we have. Then we can see that the Striker is half the weight of the Falcon, have 38km/h more forward, and can go the same backwards compared to the Falcons 8km/h reverse. Its power-to-weight ratio is also at 22,9 hp/t vs 13,4 hp/t, mainly because its weight is nearly half of the weight of the Falcon.

Tl;dr: Falcon and Scorpion doesn’t use the same hull, and the Scorpion is a lot more mobile.


Another pic





The only concern I have for this is it will just be another thing that is smushed into 8.0 to 8.7.

the more vehicles you have at a br the stronger the line up, its one of the reasons when i see russia on the enemy team at higher brs i know i am gonna be killing every player 3 or 4 times in decent vehicles, where as if i see isreal at a br i just know its gonna be a spam of 3 identical vehicles.


Still amazed we don’t have a dedicated light tank line.

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Nice high-quality brochure from Alvis covering the base Scorpion as well as the 90mm and 30mm variants

I have some questions about the exact gun you’re proposing for this vehicle. Every single picture in your suggestion post except for the last one shows the Cockerill Mk.III gun with the typical triple-baffle muzzle brake seen on Cockerill guns.

Meanwhile you’re proposing the Cockerill Mk.III-A1 a.k.a. the:

The only picture in your suggestion that actually shows this gun installed is the last one:

The Belgian MECAR single-baffle muzzle brake can be clearly seen. This muzzle-break allows the use of APFSDS-T munitions, specifically the Belgian M652 round:

On another note: most of your pictures show the Scorpion 90 during different phases of development. Some show the very early Belgian Cockerill prototype (the one that was made before the ALVIS one), others show the following 3 different British stages of development.

I think your suggestion is specifically aimed at the production variant of the Scorpion 90? As you state the use of APFSDS?

Because if we go of your pictures it would be only capable of using different HEAT, HESH and Smoke rounds.