Aircraft Carriers - WT Discussion

We already have Naval Helicopters but no armaments like torpedos and depth charges yet. Similarly the Shackleton is still missing it’s torps and depth charges.

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I am pretty sure they acknowledged this year we may expect Submarines being implemented.
So hopefully we get playable carriers aswell.

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Meant to type more sea helicopter’s. Slightly hoping for a 53 sea stallion lol

Not this year. New kind of weaponery and ship is on 2026 they saids.
And that will be higly submarine, don’t think carrier will be implemented soon.

WT Mobile has updated once again, and some thread relevant things have appeared:
( · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Mobile-Datamine@b195c7a · GitHub )

This code section has been added to ailist.blkx and to captureai.blkx both

It seems that it may allow bots to use carrier airgroups, when they spawn as carriers.
( the " usecountermeasures " section has been added to all types of naval AI )

This code has been added to ailist.blkx, to carrierFighter, carrierBomber, and carrierDiveBomber
the pictured sections are from carrierFighter.

They appear to be improvements to the logic of avoiding terrain, going off map, and straying too far from the player.

A number of changes have been made to the files in the hud/strategymode folder, which contains many of the controls for aircraft carriers.

These are from airgroupsview.nut



These are from strategypathview.nut


These are from strategystate.nut

Some common themes between them are the replacement of instances of the phrase " curAirGroupIndex " w/ the new " curGroupIndex " and the newly added display of some basic information abt the aircraft carrier itself when the player is controlling one of it 's aircraft.

This part is not new, but it seems I’ve missed it before: in the list of unlockable modifications for ships( AP shells, improved damage control, etc. ) appear these:
( War-Thunder-Mobile-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/config/ship_unlocks.blkx at 72319b565d0035c6120bcccbf79bcb6d24791ba7 · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Mobile-Datamine · GitHub )


Relevant here too:

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